Thanks 4 Santa Strong, would you be able to make Black Santa Costume keeping the white Trims.
I love this, Wanted to start a "Bad Santa" playthrough of santa claus in the apocalypse but turns out there are no santa outfits at all on the nexus or other places that aren't for CBBE only or something.
We have Santa Strong but where is SERBIA STRONG
Ok, you would be sitting on a goldmine of endorsements if you went and made just a beard pack for strong, 3 or 4 diff colours. Would be great for every other time of year, haha! Would add SO much individuality to Strong <3
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56852 Christmas Tree Axe. Just sayin.. -
did not know that Super Mutants can look cool with beards lol
No wonder he wants milk so much!
Oh, this is grand. Thank you.
Request for an optional version that adds a unique supermutant wearing this to either of the Giddyup Buttercup factories as the way to obtain it. -
I think I just found a real reason to like Christmas...
Peak Fallout modding right here, ladies and gents.
Man, that is Just Absurdly Epic!