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  1. Dashboarderian
    • premium
    • 138 kudos
    UPDATE 02/08/2023 : Yes, Chapter 3 is released, but it'll take a while for me to play Sim Settlement playthrough again. I am very busy in real life at the moment and it'll take a while for me to write the whole thing
  2. FolkPunkDruid
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I'm planning on (eventually!) starting a new playthrough, going through ss2 for the first time, and using Start Me Up Redux. If you're still developing this, I would be more than happy to help out with this project where I can. I can note dialogue that needs editing, as well as suggest alternative options. I'm not the most talented scripter or modder, and I can't really splice audio, but I'd like to help where possible. may take me a While to get to it, though! i want to make sure my mod setup is stable before I start, and there's a lot of things I want to mod.
  3. mjhusn
    • supporter
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    So I if use this along with SMURedux to be able to skip the 15 minute pre war movie and start in vault 111 as vanilla anyways, but want to 'save my spouse' with Nora Spouse/Dual Survivors, do you think that'd work? I'm fine with starting as the parent, trying to work around the dead spouse lines as they're immersion breaking when they're standing there with me.
    1. Dashboarderian
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      No, Start Me Up Redux is not compatible with Nora spouses, and the dialogues are edited in the way that assume you're not Nate/Nora.
  4. joeblow06
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    But this is safe to use alongside a fresh SS2 All Chapters Pack install? I mean, stability wise, not immersion wise...
  5. Ledouie
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Yo Dashboarderian. Love your start up redux mod. Wanted to know if you had any time to make progress with the chapter 3 update. I know you're pretty occupied but just wanted to see if you could share any info. Thanks and have a nice day!
    1. Dashboarderian
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      I hope I'll get to do it someday but I'm very busy with jobs, due to real life events I'll not be financially stable for a good while but I'll find some times to update. A good news is that Start Me Up Redux main mod will get updated very soon though
    2. Ledouie
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Sorry to hear about your financial issues. I hope it gets better for you in the future. And I'm happy to hear about the start me up redux update :)
  6. xenoterracide
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    have you considered basing on https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56984 instead? 
    1. Dashboarderian
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Do you realize that I'm the creator of Start Me Up Redux? and yes it'd work on SMU Redux too...
  7. Corthmic
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Thanks for this, I'll never understand why modders tend to attach things into the main questline when so many people use alternate start mods,
    it's especially frustrating with Sim Settlements because of how often it's done. It's a shame there will be a wait before Chapter 2 is patched, but at least I can finish chapter 1 without skipping dialogue.
    1. Dashboarderian
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      As far as I know, the writers go with the canon story because it's easier for them to write, and SS2 seem to be very clearly intended to feel seamless to the game.

      It'll be a long wait, but now making voice should be a lot easier.
    2. Corthmic
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah, I get that it's easier to write, it's just really limiting. I never liked how Fallout 4 forces you to be either a veteran with wife and a son or a lawyer with a husband and a son, takes the roleplaying out of it, and even with alternate start mods it snaps immersion like a twig when I do a modded quest and despite never even setting foot in Vault 111, I'm the dad again. Hell, you can play a lot of the vanilla factions and either never or barely mention Shaun even in the vanilla game.

      Honestly, I'd rather have a long wait before wrapping up SS2 than ever play the vanilla start again.
    3. daywalker03
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Yeah, it's annoying, but most mod authors don't play the game with anything other than the mods they're developing. As it happens, I'm working on a mod that will have to modify a dialogue in SS2, because it's quite bizarre to be in power armor when you first encounter Jake and after you save Preston and friends, he acts as if you're suddenly in it (like you just got the T-45 off of the roof of the Museum).
  8. daywalker03
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Glad to see that you're planning to make Chapters Two and Three compatible with Start Me Up Redux, since it's a little annoying to have the dialogue shift from acknowledging that you're not the Sole Survivor to you suddenly being him/her. Take your time; if it gets too annoying, I'll fix it (minus voice files) and either have you post it or do it myself.
    1. Dashboarderian
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      The biggest hurdle isn't voice file but finding all the dialogue to be changed, especially for interconnected things. For example. The answer you gave Jake in chapter 1 affected 2.

      Now voice files are easier than ever to create but it's a headache to go through hundreds of quests to find any reference to Shaun/prewar mentions.
  9. Yakuzer24
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Does this work with Start me up Redux?
    1. Dashboarderian
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Yes and the creator of start me up redux and this patch is the same person....
    2. Yakuzer24
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Oh my bad lmao

      Awesome work on the mod btw
  10. meatpatty
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Dashboardian, love your work. Just flagging a dialogue at the end of "The Hub of the Problem" once you get ASAM schematics when Jake tells you to go to Diamond city he says you can find a detective to find "your kid". Using a non-parent vault dweller start.
    1. Dashboarderian
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      Thank you. This is just a WIP for now but I'll update that.
  11. Sazie
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    This is an awesome mod, I can't go without both Start me up and Sim settlements 2. (but I'm gonna have to) Although I wasn't sure about sims settlements 2 cause of the story change, it was a great idea but huge. If I wanted to try Sim settlements 2, I'd have to give up Start me up. Which really bummed me out, but I'm glad to know about this mod and that it'll be worked on later in the future.

    For now I'm just gonna use Sim settlements 2 by itself until I can use these mods together.
    1. Dashboarderian
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      There's a lot of main story mentions in chapter 2, this patch only 'fix' the dialogue for Chapter 1, however I'll wait for CH3 to release so I can see the story direction they're going
    2. Sazie
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Yeah, better to wait and see what happens in chapter3.