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Me Myself and I

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About this mod

If you're like me, and want the power of the Mysterious Serum for yourself, you've come to the right place. This mod allows you to transfuse the Serum into your very blood, granting you its power, permanently. This mod also makes the Mysterious Serum far more powerful; a much more worthwhile reward.

Permissions and credits
I have always thought that the vanilla Mysterious Serum was a missed opportunity for something much greater. I never liked siding with Lorenzo, but always wanted to have the power that the Serum gave me. So I thought of this mod, and I'm very happy with it, so I decided to share it with you all :)

This mod adds the Immortal Blood perk, which gives you the effects of the Mysterious Serum permanently. Plus a little extra thrown in, for it to feel more worthwhile; and to make your character the immortal badass they deserve to be! 

The Immortal Blood perk increases Strength, Agility, and Endurance by 3; while also giving you 50 damage resistance, complete immunity to poison, a whopping -50 RADS per second, as well as a constant healing rate of 1.5 HP per second. 

To get this perk, and achieve immortality, you must possess all 8 of the obtainable Mysterious Serum's from the Cabot questline (1 for passing a speech check with Edward Deegan, 4 that you get from Lefty's corpse, and 3 from the table outside of Lorenzo's cell), and 1 IV Bag (found in Hospitals and even Parsons State Insane Asylum). Then you can craft the "Serum Transfusion" at the chemistry station. Upon transfusing the Serum, you will lose a good chunk of your health, which can kill you if you dont have enough HP. You will then be greeted with a message telling you that the transfusion was a success, and you have gained the Immortal Blood perk. 

I have also made the necessary changes to the Mysterious Serum to match the abilities granted by the perk, and have doubled the duration of the Serum, as well as removed the immunodeficiency effect. There is also now a chance to become addicted to the Mysterious Serum, which will reduce your SPECIAL stats, as well as your damage and RAD resistance

You can also craft your very own Mysterious Serum in the chemistry station derived from your own blood, after acquiring the Immortal Blood perk. Which requires 1 Bleed Out Syringe. Share your immortality with a loved one, or sell it for a massive profit!

I know some of you may feel the abilities given by the perk are too OP, so I have included optional versions of the mod with only -25 RADS per second (Half RADS), -10 RADS per second (Vanilla RADS), or the vanilla buffs given by the Serum (Vanilla Effect)

Tested and works with No Thirsty Chems 

Install via your favourite mod manager, or drop the file contents into the Fallout 4 Data folder :)

This is my very first mod, and it wouldn't have been possible without the scripts from Comrey's Super Serum mod, which can be found here. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25829