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  1. ToxicPunk
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is this for the "Combined Arms" (Combined Arms Expansion) Mod?
  2. Magickingdom
    • supporter
    • 57 kudos
    Is this meant to be a firearm nerf? So better receivers/and or caliber would no longer get better damage? What about range? Why not standardize range, bayonets etc don't mess up range.
    Do you happen to know what controls if a firearm  to start grease fires? I really would love to add that to several mod added firearms.
    1. boutaye
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      in a way it is a fire arm nerf. Only receivers will be changed to no longer get better damage. If a weapons damage gets changed via caliber conversion, then this won't touch it. Standardizing range actually sounds like a smart idea, thank you. 

      For you last question, I really don't know what mod causes firearms to start grease fires. I would assume that it is a script that tests if a weapon shoots the grease causing it to catch fire.
  3. Blackfoot9603
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If I knew how you did this, I would be willing to assist in doing all weapons in game, including mod-added ones.