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About this mod

Adds a rough support of True Nights for Far Harbor and Nuka World.

Permissions and credits
True Nights is one of the best overhauls for True Storms, and Fallout 4 in general. Its only problem is not covering Far Harbor and Nuka World, which is a shame.

Well, I tried to cover (very roughly, I know) both DLCs and make their nights as close to the original mod as I could.

Comparing and calculating each lightning record in Vanilla Fo4, Far Harbor, Nuka World, True Storms, its patches and True Nights, I reached this plugin. It's meant to run with True Nights as an expansion (or addon?), so I flagged it as a master.

Download and Install True Storms, True Nights and my patch. Check that the load order is correct and test everything.

Finally, if you want, install an ENB of your choice. True Sight is my official recommendation.

If you find any part that doesn't seem to be covered or looks heavily wrong, notify me. I don't have the time (nor do know how) to fully test either the original mod or mine, and everything they cover.