About this mod
GNN getting you down? Add color, flavor, and fun new amenities for your Sim Settlements 2 HQ Staff.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Requires all DLCs and version 2.2.5 or greater of Sim Settlements 2, version 2.1.0 of Jampads 2, and Creative Clutter (All DLC)
HQ Room Designs Added: 11
Other HQ Actions Added: 0 (More TBD)
Upgrades: Yes
HQ Room Designs:
Identified with overall Room Functionality, Shape (what's shape? check this out), and Upgrades Available. What's HQ? Well keep playing Sim Settlements Chapter 2 and also read this.
Rando Bunks A
Description - Room with three sets of bunk beds and some randomized furniture and decor elements. Very cozy.
Room Functionality - Living Quarters (+6 Max Workers)
Shape - 512Box - Entrance Right
Upgrades - None, but many aspects are randomized
Rando Bunks B
Description - Another room with three sets of bunk beds and some randomized furniture and decor elements. Very cozy.
Room Functionality - Living Quarters (+6 Max Workers)
Shape - 512Box - Entrance Left
Upgrades - None, but many aspects are randomized
Corridors of Power
Description - HQ hallways teaming with striking stained-glass lighting (courtesy of MunkySpunk), randomized framed art, furniture for weary HQ staff to rest on, and other amenities.
Room Functionality - Common Area
Shape - Lower Lobby Hallways
Upgrades -
- Lighting Customization - Choose stained glass patterns that fit your faction or brand preferences (Minutemen, Nuka Cola, Diamond City, Red Rocket, Vault-Tec, or Basic Stained Glass)
- Power Armor Sets - Add decorative Power Armor sets to make yourself feel like a post-apocalyptic warrior and medieval royalty all at once, with many different options from the base game, Creation Club, and community creations by Newermind and M150 (all OPTIONAL!) - current available sets include - Creation Club Hellfire, Institute Power Armor, Enclave, and Red Shift as well as randomized possibilities for T-65, Excavator, and Hellcat. Also available are T-45 Minutemen, T-51 Railroad, and T-60 Brotherhood of Steel from the base game.
Pantry Raid
Description - A snack cabinet and some vending machines for HQ staff
Room Functionality - Common Area
Shape - Lower Southwest Nook
Upgrades - None
Cola Cafe
Description - A cafeteria that celebrates food, fun, and sugary beverages. Both Nuka Cola and Vim are thoroughly represented, including a little bit of the West with Sunset Sarsaparilla. Features functional vending machines, and more!
Room Functionality - Cafeteria, Logistics Jobs
Shape - GNN Central Offices
Upgrades -
- Booth Customization - Change the drab and beat up old diner booths to booth choices from Creation Club content Slocum Joe's Workshop or Nuka Collector Workshop (OPTIONAL!)
- Slocum Joe's Franchise - Add some more sugary assets to the Cola Cafe, including a coffee workbench and donut frying workbench, and the Coffee Station functionality and another logistics job to the room if you have the Creation Club Slocum Joe's Workshop content (OPTIONAL!)
Less Than Jake
Description - A quarters suitable for a tinkerer and workaholic who wants to rebuild the Wasteland and make it a better place.
Room Functionality - Engineering Head Living Quarters (+1 Max Workers)
Shape - GNN "M"
Upgrades -
- Room improvements to add engineering and electronics workbenches courtesy of Whisper's Standalone Workbenches. Decorative or, if you have Standalone Workbenches installed, the option to add functional versions of those two workbenches that you can use while visiting HQ. (OPTIONAL!)
The Sophisticates
Description - A living quarters for four with two double beds and for those who like the finer things in life.
Room Functionality - Living Quarters (+4 Max Workers)
Shape - GNN "M"
Upgrades -
- Change out furniture and lights for items from the Creation Club content Midcentury Modern Furniture Workshop (OPTIONAL!)
Description - A place where everyone can gather and try to beat the scores on people's favorite holotape games. These standalone arcade machines are courtesy of Pra. Without him, all of us SS2 add-on makers would be lost.
Room Functionality - Lounge
Shape - Semi-circle
- Add neon and string lights from Creative Clutter
Spin Studio
Description - Small gym where HQ staff can get a good cardio workout. Very useful for running around the massive GNN structure and trying to escape mutated Wasteland Creatures.
Room Functionality - Gym, Administration Jobs
Shape - Semi-circle
Upgades - None
Atrocity Archives
Description - A cluttered and claustrophobic catalog of pre-war intel, including holotapes, files and more.
Room Functionality - Library, Administration Jobs, Adds Prewar Research Level
Shape - Semi-circle
Upgrades -
- Add more file storage, viewers, and terminals, boosting prewar research further and adding a science job
Vaulter's Paradise
Description - Make Mansfield feel at home with this celebration of Vault-tec assets.
Room Functionality - Facilities Head Living Quarters (+1 Max Workers)
Shape - Semi-Circle
Upgrades -
- Add more lights and furniture so Mansfield has a place to entertain.
Q1 - Will you make a version of this that doesn't require Creative Clutter?
A1 - No. Creative Clutter is incredible and I wanted to use its assets as a central part of most of these designs, so no I will not be making a version stripped of those assets. Sorry not sorry.
Q2 - Will you make a version of this that doesn't require your other add-on Jampads 2? I hate it and don't like its name.
A2 - No. You may notice the file size on this is very small. That is because it uses a ton of assets from Jampads 2, and I did not want to duplicate that and have to maintain two separate sets of archives. Sorry not sorry.
Q3 - Does this require Creation Club Content?
A3 - No, it does not. Some unique upgrade options will be available to you if you have it, but it is not required. Almost all of those upgrade options are just cosmetic anyway and a question of style. The rooms still work fine without it.
Q4 - Why do you keep putting Optional in bold and underline? We get it!
A4 - See Q3.
Q5 - Will you add X, Y, or Z Power Armor as an upgrade option for displaying power armors?
A5 - Maybe, I intend to keep updating this as I go along and may add some more.
Q6 - Is this it?
A6 - For now, yes. I do intend to keep adding more options and rooms in the future, as well as HQ Actions such as research, missions, and jobs as well.
This mod would not have been possible to develop without a lot of help from Kinggath, Pra, the SS2 development team, the Creative Clutter team, as their mod provided me with a neverending stream of ideas for these rooms, Munkyspunk, who generously let me use tons of his assets, VFX, who I constantly bounced ideas off of, and many others. As most of these assets that did not come directly from Creative Clutter as a master file, many came from Jampads 2, so all thanks from there apply here. As such, I am going to just repost what I posted there -
The entire Sim Settlements team and especially XV-Versus and Tinuvia for all of the advice and assistance while I converted my mod, to Yagisan with help testing and for the inspiration behind the Yagisan Industries building plan, for 1000101 for his universal register forms script that has made much of the interplay between this mod and other mods possible, MunkySpunk for giving me permission to use stained glass assets from the Stained Glass Workshop Mod - Unicorn Farts and Godrays - including jojo-ojoj at DeviantArt for creating the stained glass patterns in the first place, Watcherzero for the Ant Queen Modder's Resource that allowed me to have an Ant Queen and Ant Queen Pheromones for THOSE!, Whisper for creating the incredible Standalone Workbenches and Institute Build Kit and giving permission to use both in this mod, Yulliah for creating awesome furniture assets as part of Yulliah's Home Improvements and for giving me permission to use some of them, and to Pra for the arcade terminals and the scripting wizardry that made it all possible. Special thanks to Damanding, MsRae, Frogprincess, Evanpox, and Dinozaurz for the wonderful CREATIVE Clutter Modder's Resource for letting me use some additional assets from the CREAtive Clutter mod, to Rycekaeks for making the incredible Fallout 4 Additions Packs 1 and 2, which this mod uses assets from, and to Mkdo40 for giving me permission to use some food and drink assets from Wasteland Imports!