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  1. XSuiaexe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just came here to say that love the F.A.Q. back and forth, XD. 

    On another note, still gotta test and see how the mod actually works in game. 
  2. ambionstitches
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    dude, could you nav-mesh it plz? my npc's just keep trying to walk through the side panels :-/

    other than that, great mod.
    1. JimmyRJump
      • premium
      • 243 kudos
      The navmeshing i sn't done on the doors but on the floors and those are all bugged because at some point Bethesda wanted to use doorways that had the door on the side instead of in the middle. When they went for doors in the middle, someone didn' think it neccessary to re-navmesh the floor boards...
  3. VonHelton
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    All yer mods are hidden......Kinda makes it hard for me to download them......
    1. mahdijigol
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      You mean there is a way to download them? Oo
    2. penderien
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      This is because the author was banned. They knew it was coming due to the way they were treating people, so before it happened they hid most of their mods for "revenge". Some can still be accessed, but many are gone.
    3. User_3680043
      • account closed
      • 3 kudos
      Bethesda were not helping matters with the way they were treating mod creators, it was a whole mess over on the Bethesda site and pissed off many creators. Bad times and really a shame. Darren was a singular individual for sure but his mods where/are undeniably masterful.
    4. JimmyRJump
      • premium
      • 243 kudos

      The reason why a lot of DDProduction's mods are hidden is because most of those are part of a larger all-in-one mod called DDP AIO Standalone and not because DDP supposedly saw his ban coming.

      I've been using the AIO since times immemorial...
  4. skytechman
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Why wasn't this in the vanilla game.jpg
  5. ahryse
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having trouble getting this to work. It shows up as an option (no image though), I can't select it, and it doesn't appear in game (like the preview of where you're going to build it sort of thing). Any suggestions?
  6. qu3L
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this still work? please update if not
  7. K1LD4R
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've been using this for a while, and while it takes some fiddling, I find it extremely useful. The rug-clipping trick works most of the time if I'm having trouble placing.

    However, DDProductions83 I implore you; especially now that the CK is available, please please please fix the snap nodes. Walls will snap to the doorway but not vice versa. Also, I've noticed that signs and other decorations will not attach to the wall portion next to the door frame. I think perhaps the collision box is funky? NPCs walking into the wall next to the door supports this I think (though I'm no modder, so I apologize if I'm completely wrong).

    Overall, THANK YOU for making this. Super useful, despite fiddly-ness.
  8. thepeacemaker707
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I tried to use this to make a functioning doorway for my bedroom inside the vanilla Sole Survivor's house in Sanctuary. I was able to get the doorway in nicely, but the door itself will not snap in for the life of me. I think the door may be clipping against the vanilla doorway, and there doesn't seem to be any way around it. How can I get it to work?
  9. Zele
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    This is great. Anyone else with the problem, that this shackwall sometimes is not fitting in? While the normal shackwall can be placed, this won't do. Can't figure out if it is a problem with simple intersection or so......

    Edit: uhm, found the answer some posting below... helped.
    1. Zele
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Well, after using it some time i'm confused..... ther are many "spots" in buildings, where you can place them, but there are also many, where you can't use this mod, while a vanilla wall fits smootly....
  10. rayhne
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    I'm using Homemaker as well as this and this doesn't seem to appear under either walls, small or large.
    1. rayhne
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Correction. Expanded Settlement Building
    2. Exoclyps
      • premium
      • 613 kudos
      Same here. I suspect you use the "new categories" version. Perhaps he removed the vanilla category and made 3 new.

      Looking at it quick, that shouldn't be the case as the vanilla category is included. Changing the category keyword in this mod does fix the issue.

      So for it to work you'd either need a patch for Expanded Settlement Building (a different version will be simpler imo) or the the creator of Expanded Settlement would have to take a look if he managed to mess-up the vanilla category somehow.
    3. Pluupy
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Yes I am experiencing the same issue. I downloaded this mod and the Expanded Settlement Building mod. They seem to conflict with each other. A shame, because they both would go great hand-in-hand to allow players to make well-made wooden houses.
    4. DDProductions83
      • BANNED
      • 1,830 kudos
      Yell at expanded settlements person. This is 100% not my problem to solve
    5. Pluupy
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      A friend showed me that the Snap'n Build Greenhouse mod actually includes 4 interior doors just like those of this mod. This Greenhouse mod doesn't conflict with Expanded Settlement Building, probably since it uses it's own sub-menu.


      They do not have a same design as the doorways of the Craftable Interior Shack Doorways Wall mod. Those who still want to use this mod's interior doorways will probably have to ask the Expanded Settlement Building mod creator for some assistance.
    6. DDProductions83
      • BANNED
      • 1,830 kudos
      Dangerous road IMO

      The other guy should not have his mod affecting vanilla framework in such a way as to make other simple mods who use keywords conflict. That is terrible form. Hopefully everyone gets on with Styuks SK mod cause a lot of these bigger mod packs are going to just be aids if they don't settle on a framework.
    7. rayhne
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Expanded Settlements does offer a version without custom categories.
    8. Exoclyps
      • premium
      • 613 kudos
      The thing is, with ESB, I keep checking it and personally don't get why it messes things up. It's supposed to work, looking at the esp structure, but just doesn't

      I personally want to fix it so I don't have to edit every other mod I download that use the section.
    9. Exoclyps
      • premium
      • 613 kudos
      Finally found the issue that prevents these mods to work together. Was able to edit ESB to make this mod show up. Sent a message to the creator of ESB to present my findings.
    10. DDProductions83
      • BANNED
      • 1,830 kudos
    11. Korvil
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      You guys should try using Settlement Keywords with this if you are using Homemaker or ESB.