About this mod
Simple mod that lets you to recruit Scribe Haylen as settler and optionally as doctor and weaponsmith.
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Lets you to recruit Haylen as settler and optionally, as a doctor and weaponsmith.
There are two ways to recruit her: 1. by completing her recruitment quest. 2. through "instant recruitment".
Recruitment quest: a lore-friendly mini-quest that starts when you complete Blind Betrayal. Requires Haylen to be alive and the BoS to be friendly. About this quest: a Senior Scribe named Matthews spotted Haylen giving supplies to Paladin Danse and reported her to Kells. Matthews opened Haylen's terminal and made copies of Haylen's personal logs to convince Kells to launch an investigation. You need to take the report from Kells' quarters and give it to Haylen. When you arrive at Cambridge Police Station, she's been wondering whether joining the BoS was a good choice or not. Then, given by the fact that the Brotherhood exiled the only person she was close to and that she's never been in agreement with the Brotherhood's violent nature of what the Brotherhood considers to be the only way to save humanity, when you hand Matthews' report to her, she decides to leave the Brotherhood of Steel. After that, she becomes recruitable.
Instant recruitment: if Haylen is dead or she or the BoS became hostile, the mod will recruit (and resurrect and pacify too, if necessary) Haylen without any recruitment quest. While it's not the most lore-friendly way to recruit her, anyone who decide to recruit Haylen after siding against the BoS can do so without issues.
An improved, redesigned version of the vanilla radiant (repetitive) quest "Quartermastery". The differencies: instead of kind of useless Haptic Drives and such, she points you to actual high-tech weapon mods for Laser guns, Gatling Lasers, Plasma guns or Gauss Rifles. You can decide to accept, refuse, turn in the quest (after accepting it) or keep the tech for yourself. Giving the tech to Haylen speeds up the time (by one in-game hour) she needs to craft a new weapon (see "Haylen as Weaponsmith" below). I designed the quest to accept all weapon mods of the same type. (Let's say she asks you to bring a "Gatling Laser Photon Exciter" to her. You don't have to actually find the one that the quest objective points you to, you can take one from the workbench, or remove one from a gun, or buy one, so it's up to you). If you attach the mod to a gun while the quest's still running, you can decide whether you turn the quest in empty-handed or rather find another one for her. She won't send you to DLC locations.
Haylen as Doctor:
Just like Virgil from Recruit Virgil, if you're injured, Haylen can heal you (free of charge and no need to assign her to a Clinic). The dialogue option "I need medical attention" shows up instead of the usual question if you're health is not full. She offers medical treatment anytime, i.e. regardless of she's been assigned to something or not.
Haylen as Weaponsmith:
The mod comes with two assignable Weapons Workbenches. They mostly act like vanilla workbenches. Anyone can be assigned to them and you can use them too, if you'd like to. They also provide a little bonus happiness. However, if you assign Haylen to one, she can craft high-tech weapons including Laser guns, Gatling Lasers, Gauss Rifles, Plasma guns and granades (Fragmentation, Plasma, Pulse). Crafting time is 72 in-game hours which can be reduced by one in-game hour by completing the radiant quest "Weaponsmithing" (see above). What she comes up with is random (random high-tech weapon with mods). She can make one gun or 3-6 grenades in one crafting period. If you unassign Haylen or assign her to something else and later you decide to assign her to one of these workbenches again, she will continue the work where she left off (i.e. crafting time won't be reset).
Preview of: Turning in the quest Weaponsmith
Notes: the mod does not override any record of the BoS quests so it should be compatible with any mod.