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  1. soplet
    • member
    • 3 kudos
  2. droname
    • member
    • 76 kudos
    Thank you very much, friend, due to lack of time I could no longer edit the MOD, it is appreciated

    I added it to my description so that people who want to have their normal generators can opt for their patch. In a brief snippet I explain why that part of the mod that shouldn't be in FPSL remains, I'll say it again, thank you very much
    1. azure2222
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Great work on the mod otherwise, no hard feelings! Peace!
  3. AtomicTEM
    • premium
    • 144 kudos
    Thank you for this, its poor mod etiquette to make a change that does align with mod description or mod names, a lighting mod making a change to water pumps makes no sense. So thank you for this fix.
    1. droname
      • member
      • 76 kudos
      That fragment of the generators comes from FSPL beta which I forgot to remove due to lack of time I couldn't remove it leaving it in the final mod simply due to lack of time for my work and for that I appreciate this patch, keep in mind that you are downloading a totally free mod and that behind this work there is an effort for the times
    2. AtomicTEM
      • premium
      • 144 kudos
      Sorry if I came off as aggressive bashing, I did not mean to berate your effort. Your mod is cornerstone of many load orders due to its quality and features. If I can explain my previous comment, I have a very big load order with over 600 mods, that I have been attempting to "perfect" for multiple days, one the worst things I have to do is make my own patches for mods, because when they then update I have to update mine. This leads me to reading and re-reading a lot of mod page descriptions which can become tiresome. So when mod authors start to deviate from standard modding practices it because irritating fro people like myself. Though this does not excuse my aggressiveness, and apologise for it. You made simple mistake and it does not deserve such toxicity. 
    3. droname
      • member
      • 76 kudos
      no problem bro peace
  4. BigBozat
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    "Fix" implies something's broken with a mod (or the vanilla game)... "Tweak" implies a change being made to a mod to better suit personal preference or particular situation(s). 

    Nothing's "broken" with FPSL in re: water pump & generator output values, they work as that mod author intended. 
    Kinda rude & definitely not a positive framing for Droname's efforts.  Where's the community love?

    "FPSL Water Pump & Generators Tweaks for Survival Mode"  {much better advertising}
    1. azure2222
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      That's fair enough, I've changed the name now. But nowhere on the FPSL page does it say the water pumps and generators are modified, and it's not something you would ever expect a lighting and shadow mod to change in my opinion.
    2. BigBozat
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      That's fair enough, too... doesn't actually document the generator & water edits on the Desc page.  
      Shame.  Maybe if they were professional game developers we could expect flawless documentation...
      Still doesn't warrant pejorative framing of FPSL as "broken".

      Alternatively:  "it's not on the main desc page" = So. What.

      The desc page *does*, however, make a lot of references to the fact that it is *not* strictly a lighting -or- lighting performance mod, but rather has a fairly diversified set of 'performance'-related Tweaks.  e.g., 

      "FPSL: It is a balance mod between performance and visual, the goal of this plugin is to give a boost in your framerates."
      "... corpses will no longer be 48hrs of the normal game this makes your save games corrupt and bloat making your game unstable and slow..."
      "... makes your character go from battle state to relaxation state in only approximately 3 seconds..."
      "...  far harbor turbine sound adjustments..."
      in the game things were loaded that are never used or not seen in the world, I have disabled them in quantity..."

      And, of course, the water & power edits are prominently discussed on the first comments page. Which is prolly how most folks know about the edits in the first place... ymmv.

      Really, didn't want to beat dead horses or dive down rabbit holes.  I just didn't appreciate the unfair characterization, and I suspect most mod authors -- perhaps yourself included? -- prolly wouldn't appreciate it either.
    3. azure2222
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Sure and like I said I've changed the name