So i left the settlement and returned sometime later and all the cages are full, but i cant seem to release them or have them fight. How do you start the arena fights?
awesome city plan btw and even if the fights dont work ill use it just for the incredible flavour of this mod. This is the coolest city plan hands down.
Great mod so far! I love the look and effort that went into this! Quick question for anyone familiar, but I cannot for the lie of me get all of the cages to act correctly with the switches. Even when turning all switches off I am unable to find the ghost power :(
For added info, I was using the Sim Settlements wiring with F4SE on.
Thanks for the reply! It ended up being some of the cages were glitched and powered with no wires connected. I refreshed the bad boy and rewired and we're working beautifully. Now just waiting for everything to upgrade :D
awesome city plan btw and even if the fights dont work ill use it just for the incredible flavour of this mod. This is the coolest city plan hands down.
Always thought your work is extraordinary.
For added info, I was using the Sim Settlements wiring with F4SE on.
cqf SS2_CityPlanManager TestCityUpgrade