To avoid using the console command every time you start the game add
replace godrays with "filename" in fallout4.ini under General section I had to edit the comment and added an image since for some reason Nexus changed the command into some bs.
This doesn't seem to work, and for some reason whenever mods are deployed (I use Vortex) it seems to delete this line even though that .ini file is flagged as read-only. I tried to launch the game without deploying so that the new line stayed there but the file still didn't run. Is it something I have to change in my mod manager itself?
I have no idea on how vortex works but if it has it's own Inis then try adding this line in those as well it should work just fine Edit: check the original comment again I edited it
I actually just just found this command before seeing your comment! I'm playing around with it right now and it works... kinda. The file runs automatically however it seems that when it is for some reason it turns the screen gray as lovejam mentioned was happening to him.
Edit: Also, it doesnt have to do with the mod manager, it seems that Clarity is the culprit for not letting me add anything in the general section within fallout4.ini Apparently Clarity.ini takes precedence over fallout4.ini so I'm having to add this line into clarity.ini instead
I wonder if theres a way I can make it so that the command delays a few seconds before executing. I'm guessing that if the command runs before everything is properly rendered that's what causes the gray screen glitch. If i can figure out a way to delay it, it should work with running it automatically
Updated the batch file contents and now it works for automatic use using the command originally mentioned by neksus69. See description for more details. The issue was that the game needs its scp (cinematic) and stp (tint) variables loaded up at the same time as the shp (hdr) variables, otherwise they are all set to zero, hence the grey screen. The updated file addresses this! Thanks to Penelope_Jenga on reddit for helping me out with this one.
I'm not using this mod, just passing through and offering a suggestion, so forgive me if you're already aware of/tried the following. Of course it could all be a conflict somewhere but, either way, if after fully properly removing a mod or undoing some other file setting things are still messed up it could be the change got baked into your save file. To resolve this it may be necessary to go back to a save before the mod or file setting was first installed/applied.
What other mods are you using that effects visual filters? Could the new graphics update be affecting this? The command to go back to default settings is: shp 3.0,0.36,0.02,0.65,0.1,3.25,1.0,2.5,2.0
The instructions are fairly straight forward in the description, but if for some reason that isn't working the only thing that i can think of would by another one of your mods overwriting your fallout4.ini. In fact that should be the only case why it wouldn't work. See the last picture for the mod as an example, but what you'll have to do is check your mods' .ini files for this command and add 'bat bloom' to the end of that line, as seen it the pictures. Let me know if you need more help!
If it does, the difference likely wont be noticeable. It does make gameplay easier on the eyes when there's lots of "glowing" items or other things in the environment, especially if you play with a winter mod with lots of snow such as the screenshots for this mod.
Quick question in the photo it shows "sStartingConsoleCommand=bat bloom" but in the description it shows "sStartingCjavascript-event-strippedbat bloom". I know not to add the " and its there just to show what excatly you need to put in. Which is the correct sStarting to put in? Also does it need to be the 5th under general?
Sorry for the late response! I didn't realize I had the wrong command in the description, thank you for pointing that out. the one in the photo, "s Starting Console Command=bat bloom" is the correct command to input without the spaces. Order shouldn't matter. However if you have a mod that has a [General] section in its .ini file such as clarity, you'll need to add the above command to that file instead of the base game .ini since the mod overwrites the base game file. Hopefully that makes sense!
Edit: Just realized for some reason when you type in that command without spaces it changes to a javascript command? That's probably what happened to the description.
A million year problem on the Nexus, you're not alone. Every single mod that uses this command has a broken description and people get confused about it.
If you use the FO4 Fixes And Technical Enhancements (FATE Patch) mod you'll need to add the "s Starting Console Command=bat bloom" line to the general section of the FATE Core - Fixes.ini instead of the fallout4.ini to get the command to fire off automatically as the FATE Core - Fixes.ini overwrites the general section of the fallout4.ini like the INI added by Clarity does.
Thanks for the mod by the way, almost went blind from the bloom.
Yes, if you add a mod that adds it’s own fallout4.ini then you will have to add all commands such as “s Starting Command” to the one the mod adds instead. Alternatively (at your own risk) you can also add the additional lines that fate adds for example to your normal fallout4.ini and delete the ini that the mod adds to make it easier, if that makes sense
Theres one way to find out. This fix wont hurt anything if you just try it out, I tried to make it so that it only disables the bloom and speeds up the eye adaption. The video posted in one of the comments below explains how to edit the command I use.
You don't actually have to write bat bloom every time you start the game. You can simply open fallout4.ini and add "sStartingConsoleCommand=bat bloom" (without the "") under [General] to make the game automatically start it in the console when you load the game. I use the same command to turn off play lightening that makes characters and animals glow in dark places.
>.> This does not work with this specific command for some reason, as stated in the comments from a couple days ago, and the description. I wish it did though! It causes the screen to go completely gray. The command has to be run after the game has rendered. So currently I'm looking for a way to delay it from running while having it still run automatically at the same time
in fallout4.ini under General section
I had to edit the comment and added an image since for some reason Nexus changed the command into some bs.
Edit: check the original comment again I edited it
Edit: Also, it doesnt have to do with the mod manager, it seems that Clarity is the culprit for not letting me add anything in the general section within fallout4.ini Apparently Clarity.ini takes precedence over fallout4.ini so I'm having to add this line into clarity.ini instead
wanna do a A/B test to tune my reshade
shp 3.0,0.36,0.02,0.65,0.1,3.25,1.0,2.5,2.0
shp 3.0,0.36,0.02,0.65,0.1,3.25,1.0,2.5,2.0
I didn't realize I had the wrong command in the description, thank you for pointing that out. the one in the photo, "s Starting Console Command=bat bloom" is the correct command to input without the spaces. Order shouldn't matter. However if you have a mod that has a [General] section in its .ini file such as clarity, you'll need to add the above command to that file instead of the base game .ini since the mod overwrites the base game file. Hopefully that makes sense!
Edit: Just realized for some reason when you type in that command without spaces it changes to a javascript command? That's probably what happened to the description.
Thanks for the mod by the way, almost went blind from the bloom.
is that the comments confused me a little
Can your simple fix allow Intensity and the joint effect to work?
Hope this helps anyone out.
This does not work with this specific command for some reason, as stated in the comments from a couple days ago, and the description. I wish it did though! It causes the screen to go completely gray. The command has to be run after the game has rendered. So currently I'm looking for a way to delay it from running while having it still run automatically at the same time