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  1. EvilAshes
    • premium
    • 134 kudos
    Thank you for the kind words and input. Come back and Endorse if you want to see more. That goes for all of your other favorite Mod Authors. It's like a big thank you for hours of work 
  2. EvilAshes
    • premium
    • 134 kudos
  3. Lagruej
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    I don't know if you're open for requests but funny enough you mention the mod series Lighting Series.  Well that user used to have a mod that added glowmaps to all the vending machine, newspaper boxes, Polowski and other "vendor" style machines.  Unfortunately its delisted due to bugs and I doubt ever coming back.  I would love to see it made new again.

    Also playing with your mods and their mods, I can't help but feel the yellow trim of the busses could use the same treatment.
    1. EvilAshes
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      Miscellaneous illuminated is where all that stuff could possibly show up and I am taken requests unofficially lol. Just read the post there I keep going back and forth this one member and I've been prioritizing his suggestions over finishing the vehicles(bus is there). 
  4. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 474 kudos
    Thanks so much, it looks great!
  5. Sngll17
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Does it work also with the buildable consoles in settlement?
    1. EvilAshes
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      Where can I find these buildable Consoles?
    2. Sngll17
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Not sure I remember without playing the game right now. They might be in Decorations -> Misc. They come within the Automatron DLC (not sure either).

      [edit] They are from the Vault-Tec DLC, not Automatron.
    3. EvilAshes
      • premium
      • 134 kudos

      I found Vault Management Terminal is it this thing?
    4. Sngll17
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      This and 4 types of console in a clean version. The ones you can see throughout places in the CW.
    5. EvilAshes
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      Ok if I remember right these fall under the Terminals category and not computer consoles/console panels. So the answer is no it does not touch those...yet
    6. Sngll17
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      They are actually in the Decorations -> Vault -> Misc section.
      And 3 versions, not 4 as I previously stated.

    7. EvilAshes
      • premium
      • 134 kudos

      ok so the other 3 work with this mod
    8. Sngll17
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      This is great to hear! Many, many thanks!
    9. Richwizard
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      He might have been referring to this mod.

      Modular Computer Console Kit
    10. EvilAshes
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      Who Sngll17 or me lol regardless I put a patch up at Computer Console illuminated for Modular Computer Console Kit.
    11. Richwizard
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Sngll17, but I'm just guessing what he was referring to. Thanks for the patch! Already downloaded!
  6. Wyrnox
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    And another one, thank you!
    1. Richwizard
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Mistake-replied to wrong post.
  7. Legion1911Si
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Looks great. Just wondering if this will also affect built items in workshop?
    1. EvilAshes
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      If the items use these textures then yes. I am not well versed in the DLC's.