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  1. Glitchfinder
    • premium
    • 1,060 kudos
    Mod Compatibility Post

    I'll list mods that people have asked me about here, along with their compatibility and resolution status. Feel free to ask me about mods and their compatibility and I'll check and add them to the list as I'm able to do so. I can also make combined patches that merge the changes from one or more of the patches in optional files upon request.

    Compatible Mods:

    If you get flickering or floating objects while using this mod, try moving it closer to the top of your load order. If that fixes the issue, please let me know what mods you have (that aren't in the lists above) that may have edited Harbormaster Hotel or the surrounding area. If you need more detailed help or support, it's easiest to find me on the discord server.
  2. MarkusTay
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    First, I'd like to say that on my next playthrough I plan to use several of your mods. This one I have a particular interest in, because I always felt this area was great and kind of overlooked.
    That being said, I had a mod that had been custom-made for me some time ago that made the pier behind the hotel a settlement. That's all it did (It uses the Shamrock Taphouse for a settlement name I assume because it already had an easy to use exterior marker).
    That being said, I have always wanted to be able to use the diner there, which was half-buried. Now I have found THIS MOD, which cleans up the whole area and adjusts the terrain so the diner is usable, which is awesome. It covers slightly less area than my custom mod, which is fine.
    So here's my problem - do you think this mod and that one will work without a patch? And if they do need patching, how hard would that be to do? I can patch weapons/outfit mods NP with FO4edit, but patching world-spaces is beyond my skills ATM.

    EDIT: Looking at the settlement area right now, its actually more (to the south), and I don't really like the angle of the box, so I would change that so its more squared to the pier itself, and only included the two piers directly adjacent to Donny's, on either side (and maybe not even that much - there a building with all the workbenches to the north that would be great, but another DC {FSD} mod puts a location on that other pier, so that just multiplies the problems). So now I am thinking that just by adjusting the settlement box (making it much smaller) it might resolve the conflict with yours? Maybe?
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 1,060 kudos
      I built this mod in a way that avoids needing to rebuild precombines/edit the local cell records. That means that you should be fine so long as you load my mod earlier in the load order than the settlement, so that the settlement will win any conflicts.
  3. c0c0c0
    • premium
    • 34 kudos
    In the process of doing my annual Load Order rebuild, I realized that I'd been running this mod and had forgotten I had it. I'd been in and out of the hotel and didn't even realize it was modded. Looking at the "before and after" images here, I can't believe it normally looks so barren. This mod slots in so seamlessly, you don't even realize it's there until you try to run without it.
  4. deleted124779963
    • account closed
    • 5 kudos
    The before and after shots are wild, the vanilla level design legitimately looks unfinished lol. Amazing work as always.
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 1,060 kudos
      It's a shame so many places in the game are like that.
    2. whamy03
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      TRUE! That being said... are there any in the works for another "People Live In" series?  i really love your approach it's like vanilla++ it's how bethesda should have done it.

      thank you for the mod! :)
    3. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 1,060 kudos
      There are, and the next location I want to hit is Parkview Apartments. That said, at the moment I'm sort of on a break from modding while I wait for the NG dust to settle and get a bit to assess how I'll mod going forward.
  5. masarut7777
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Thank you for sharing very nice mods.
    I am interested in this mod very much.
    But I poured water into the pool using 'Conquest - Build New Settlements and Camping' and 'Build Your Own Pool' previously.
    when I did it, the ground around the hotel became the submergence and NPCs swam there.
    I think that peoples want to pour water into the pool, is there recommended mod?
    As English is not a native language, please forgive me if there is rude expression.

    Conquest - Build New Settlements and Camping

    Build Your Own Pool
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 1,060 kudos
      When you put water somewhere in Fallout 4, there is no "bottom" to the water. It makes everything below where you put it "underwater" according to the game. Because the pool is on a roof with other things below it, you cannot safely put water into that pool.
    2. masarut7777
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Thank you for your reply.
      Any mod is no use.

      Oh, I misunderstood this mod with 'We can live in' series.
  6. SixesWild
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    These People Live In mods are really great for flushing out the whole commonwealth, and I would love to run them all to make the world feel more full and alive. But these are all separate ESPs. It would be really great if you could make an All-In-One pack that wouldn't eat up so much mod space, especially given how small the files each are.  Please consider?
    Keep up the great work.
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 1,060 kudos
      They are esl-flagged ESPs, so they don't actually count toward the plugin limit. (Okay, technically they count against a much higher limit. 4,096 light plugins versus 254 normal plugins)

      I do have plans for an AIO in the future, but that is more because maintaining so many patches is a drain on time I could spend modding.
    2. thehivebrain
      • premium
      • 0 kudos

      The problem with AIOs is that they are all or nothing. I do not know if it is technically possible, but it would be
      nice if AIOs had a secondary menu, at install time, that would allow a user to install a subset of the components of the AIO rather than all of it.

      For example, I have used a mod - Nuka World Settlements, <> for years. Lately however, tenhats has been producing some really interesting Nuka World settlements that I prefer to their equivalents in the above mod. For my next build, I will likely be dropping the NWS mod at the cost of losing the settlements that tenhats doesn't get to by the time SS2 Chapter 3 releases. So many choices. :P
    3. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 1,060 kudos
      You're correct about it being all or nothing. Creating a menu that lets you install a subset of the locations would turn it from an AIO to just a bundled installer. In other words, it would mean that instead of picking which of my mods to install via mod page, you'd be doing so by checkbox.

      On the other hand, the real advantage of an AIO, at least in my case, is centralization of patches. I'm an outlier in that I put a lot of work into addressing compatibility concerns, but that results in me creating a lot of patches for the same mods, over and over again.

      Edit: As an example of why I'm considering an AIO, you may notice the compatibility post for Roadside Pines Motel lists several significant compatibility issues. Three of those are mods that I could patch and make compatible now - if I had time to do so. But much of the time I would spend on that is being eaten up to maintain precombine patches for PRP, Commonwealth Reclamation Project: Overgrowth, and Desperados Overhaul. Being able to make and maintain one patch for an AIO instead of half a dozen different patches would be of tremendous benefit in that respect.

      So, amusingly, I suppose what I'm saying is that I'm considering an AIO specifically because it lets me more easily deal with the kind of example you gave.
  7. MizBadger
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I have "Lone Wanderer's Last Legacy" in my list. and am wondering if it's compatible with this mod or if I will have to choose one?
    1. Glitchfinder
      • premium
      • 1,060 kudos
      Technically, this mod is compatible with Lone Wanderer's Last Legacy so long as you have Last Legacy after PLI Harbormaster Hotel in your load order. However, the cleanup Last Legacy did on the location will leave several items and objects floating in midair.

      Unfortunately, I can't safely patch against that, because Last Legacy fully deleted multiple objects. Editing those objects again in a patch is undefined behavior and can result in anything from working as desired to CTDs on load. So if you want to use the two of these mods together, it will come with a few floating shrubs and a bit of floating clutter.
    2. MizBadger
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ok, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.  From reading everyone's comments, your mod sounds more fun and I will probably choose it over Legacy in a new game.
  8. Zayage
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Amazing. Adding "settlement building" to the world and settlement building to the game.
  9. Fantafaust
    • premium
    • 108 kudos
    "People Live In" is a great mod series, I've downloaded all of them so far. Really great work here, keep it up :)
    1. Sngll17
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      And "We Can Live In" is a great one, too.
      I hope Glitchfinder will be adding more to both of those, in the months to come. They are these kind of mods that improve both immersion and replayability of FO4.
      Great stuff!
  10. Rodocastiza
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    Sheets!! I love them. Great work as always.
  11. pd1138
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Love this "People Live In" series. Love the way it really fleshes out the locations, as if people have been coming and going for a long, long, time, not just moved in yesterday, and people, being people, have gathered all sorts of junk, over the years. Keep them coming!