About this mod
Adds a total of 5 sets of armor to the game that revisions the fallout 4 power armors and turning them into heavy armor.
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Hello everyone,
Weclome back to Return of the Classics Redux
This mod aims to not only fix the past 4 return of the classic parts, but to also rework the meshes to better fit the player character, comes into different armor pieces like combat armor, and so much more.
There are a total of 4 sets of armor that I have placed throughout the game.
Powered Raider Armor set - Location: Federal Ration Stockpile specifically where Red Tourette is at. (In the area you fight her next to the couch)
T-45d Power Armor set - Location: National Guard Training Yard in the building near Knight Astlin.
T-51b Power Armor set - Location: Reverse Satellite Array next to Scribe Faris.
Astlin's T-60a Power Armor Set - Location: National Guard Training Yard
There are two files one is the regular and the other is the Pip-boy compatibility.
You have to choose one NOT both.
Regular is with the left arm of the armors appearing.
Pip-boy gets rid of the left arm piece, so the pip-boy is visible sort of like Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
As of now the T-45d comes in a pair of two and the others are just a single set. This may change, but I like the rarity of these armor sets in general.
The armor sets you CANNOT upgrade. I have given them rather high stats... basically divided the Model D upgrade by half.
You can mix match the sets if you want.
Fits both male and female characters.
Vanilla Body ONLY. I didn't use cbbe, but someone else can make one if they want to
CBBE is incompatible and every other type of mods like cbbe. It will crash the game upon entering National Guard Training Yard Entrance and can most likely crash other entrances as well where I have placed the armors.
Important #2:
This is all modders resource so you can take my armors and create your very own. I only ask that you credit me :).
My plan is to make more redux packs or just update the other parts. Not exactly sure plus I have a few other projects that I am working on. So I am not sure what to do next, but I will probably release a media image as a heads up.
Packs that I won't do:
Unique Editions
Scorched Sierra T-45 (denied permission)
Hellfire (denied permission)
Storyteller (denied permission)
APA (unless I get permission)
Horseman of the Apocalypse
Xbox Version:
Bethesda.net | Return of the Classic's Redux Mod
Tools Used:
Blender 3.5
Creation Kit
Bethesda for Fallout 4
Dominatorv111 for Meshes, Materials, and Textures.
Ragnar1313 for technical help
Mod authors from Daks Discord