This page was last updated on 13 May 2024, 10:58PM
Version 3.0
Bumped version number up to 3.0 to keep all Rebuild mods that require the New Shared Resources (The Rebuild Collection - Shared Resources) starting at v3.0
Implemented workaround for the FO4NG matswap bug so that they are now applied properly.
The previsibine patch is now included in the main file download. USE IT! Place Rebuild_<SettlementName>_Previs.esp at the bottom of your load order and below PRP if you use it.
Version 1.2
Furniture can now be placed on the upper floors.
Regenerated previsibines as I messed them up on the last version...
Rebuild - Shared Resources needs to be updated as well.
Third time's the charm?
Version 1.1
Fixed a previs issue with the building that was opened up outside the build area.