1. kinggath
    • premium
    • 4,709 kudos
    How to Start

    Chapter 3 will start automatically if you have already completed the Chapter 2 quests in your save - but...

    ..the 3.0.0 patch itself will take several minutes to run it's update code on your save, more if you have a lot of built up settlements.

    After a few minutes, if you are in the exterior of the Commonwealth, Aiden should call you on the HQ Radio. If you happen to be in a scene, workshop mode, or a crafting bench when he calls, you will get a misc objective to call him.

    Sleeping/Waiting will not speed this process up, in fact it will make things worse as each day that passes, more code has to run from the base game system. 
  2. kinggath
    • premium
    • 4,709 kudos
    While not an explicit requirement of any of the Sim Settlements mods, the Interior NavCut Fix is one of the best settlement fixes ever and I highly recommend you use it, especially if you are playing the SS2 questline as the HQ's multiple cells benefit greatly from it.

  3. kinggath
    • premium
    • 4,709 kudos
    Everyone: Be sure to update Workshop Framework

    If you downloaded the smaller version, you'll also need to update Chapter 1 and Chapter 2!
  4. kinggath
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    • 4,709 kudos
    If you are getting stuck on a black screen during Resurgence, grab the fix under Miscellaneous files. Mod will be updated with this fix later today.
  5. dkfireandice
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    just asking for a friend dose anyone know if America rising 2 enclave faction is a option as a ally in sim settlements 2 and chapter 3 ?
  6. BritproGamer
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    Someone please help me figure out how State of War quest is supposed to finish? im on the last part, ( Hold the commonwealth against the gunners) but i cant find any gunner territories. Only one i havent done is Lexington. I have just finished Belated Returns.
  7. WastelandSentinel
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    idk why but for some reason i do not have access to the other plot sizes only the 2x2. I'm currently on my way to Malden. any help will be greatly appreciated 
    1. triptease
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      You get those 3x3 plots after a while of building your settlements or another mission with Jake. I don't remember which. 
    2. WastelandSentinel
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      i have all the settlements on the northern part of the commonwealth, the castle and Jamika plain. still no other plot sizes. and that's it everything else is unlocking normal.
  8. 00DjO00
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    • 0 kudos

    Soo, after lots of GB of updating "All Chapters"... game is loosing plugins, one after another.
    It´s all checked for updates via Vortex but some do not deploy.
    Reinstalled some, but still not all do work.
    Last thing is ss2extended.esm. In plugins it is marked "not deployed".
    Game also said, ss2extended missing.
    They are in Fallout4 root though.
    Tried to manually put them in DATA but the Vortex says All-Chapter-Mod is inconsostent.

    Also the game started CTDying some days ago, when I was moving or fast travelling from Spectacle to Boston.

    I´m not generally stupid, but this is playing me.
    1. BLK300TAN
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Problem is not you definitely, Vortex is the problem, I'd highly recommend switching over to Mod organizer 2. Vortex is for ppl who want a short quick playthrough, which means mods that are installed would sometimes get borked after awhile. MO2 is for long term playthroughs as you'll have much more freedom in editing the way you want your mods set how they are and function.   
    2. BLK300TAN
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      The dude who helped me out with switching over like 6 months ago is OmegaD42, he has a mod list guide and it teaches you how to switch over and how to function it. There's probably another person with another guide, but this one helped me the most :)
    3. JudeLeota
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      Nothing wrong with Vortex. Any issues with mods, then thats down to the player, not the mod manager. 

  9. toshiroshizue
    • supporter
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    Still no fix for the blueprint select bug that wont let you choose witch blueprint to build it only does random tried all the fixes people sugested and even uninstaled my entire game and downloaded just downloaded sim settlement 2 and its requirements and still having same issue used to work perfectly but since 2 updates ago been having this issue. 

    Am i alone in this cause i never get an answer on here
    1. Atlas055
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Deberías preguntar en el foro de mods, rara vez responden en esta página.
  10. IMN666
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    unable to access magnussons chamber in vault 111. took the part from the gun, and the chamber lifted, but i can't access the door. tried TCL and still couldn't reach it. reloaded a save, got to that point but now aurthur morgan wannabe keeps walking to the vault entrance when i try to use moveto player. it would be fine to work around if it wasn't for the extensive narrative that this mod loves to bore you with
  11. Paxomick
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    Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 3 I download in vortex, but when I start the game it just crashes. What is the problem????? the latest version has been downloaded, everything has been installed without problems, but for some reason, when the game starts, it crashes on the desktop. What is the problem?? Are there others who have the same problem?
  12. Brokebackbuster
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Does SS2 work with Next gen? 
    1. Thrillvilled
      • premium
      • 42 kudos
      Good question. Updating the ESM shouldn't take too long and plus in my experience trying to downgrade the game is much harder and generates more glitches and issues with the CK as some ba2 files won't be able to be extracted and so I nuked my install and just installed the Next Gen version and had to update my mods which didn't take too long.

      That said if there are custom scripts then it is going to be a big job to them have to rewrite or edit some of scripts.
    2. Brokebackbuster
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      So I have been playing it for a while without issue. Works good! I have over 200 mods as well. 
    3. Thrillvilled
      • premium
      • 42 kudos
  13. malandrox
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    Need F4SE?
  14. YajhoZ
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    Hi, Im having some problems with the city plans in The Castle. Every time that I try to use that settlement option after setting a leader, my game crashes. I see that it crash when I scrap something in The Castle, and I deactivate the mod, and when I scrap something without the mod running it works well. I don´t know how to fix that and it can be the problem. help plz