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About this mod

Adds two new commercial plots that sells donuts and coffee.

Permissions and credits
A new Sim Settlements add on, now with 100% more sprinkles!

This add on REQUIRES Sim Settlements 2, SS2 Extended, and the Slocums Joe creation club content

V2.0 is out and adds a 2X2.basic defense martial plot.

This add on adds two new commercial plots, custom vendors that sells coffee and donuts from the Slocums Joe creation club. It also adds a 2X2 basic defense martial plot.

Custom vendor inventory that Sells coffee and donuts, with a larger variety at higher levels
Custom made sign at levels two and three, generously provided by Chuck Yufarley
Moving conveyer belts and donuts at level 3 for the three by three
is immediately unlocked after the addon is installed

Credits and thanks:
Chuck Yufarley for the amazing sign he was kind enough to create for this project
Yagisanveelynnlove and XV-Versus for testing and feedback
Pra and Captainlaserbeam for their help in getting the custom store to work