1. DoubleYou
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    Progress Updates

    Issue: Snow on undesirable objects.

    Collision controls whether or not an object receives snow. Default collision on the bed causes it to receive snow. Altered collision removes it:

    Default collision on the Sedan causes it to not receive snow. Altered collision adds it:
    This took forever to figure out. Now... how to fix in a way that is not intrusive compatibility wise... this may prove to be a challenge.
  2. Locked
    is there a patch needed for this to work with NAC X?
    1. DoubleYou
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      • 804 kudos
      Weather mods, such as NAC X, which provide their own seasonal weathers, simply load after to override this, so there is no incompatibility.
  3. asterlacnala
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Trying to clarify - is the consoleutil requirement hard or soft? I'm using NG and ConsoleUtils hasn't been updated. Would this make the entire mod not work, or will it work and I just won't get the seasonal grass changes?
    1. DoubleYou
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      • 804 kudos
      Soft. Grass will update after new cells load. 
    2. wawito03
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Then its not necessary to install consoleutil? I´m in NG version
    3. DoubleYou
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      • 804 kudos
    4. wawito03
      • premium
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      thank youu :)
  4. Fabby815
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    • 1 kudos
    I see there is also snow inside... any way to not have this? I understand that snow can be in houses with holes in the roof, but I have a complete closed off hut, snow is inside. Please let me know if it's just me that's making a mistake while modding or something.

    Anyway, awesome mod. Thank you!
    1. DoubleYou
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      • 804 kudos
      It's a limitation atm. 
    2. yennifer1980
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      hi , does this mean that it is not possible to turn off the snow effect in enclosed spaces , it is a great mod but as long as there is snow in enclosed spaces this mod is not usable , especially not for settlement builders , a dynamic seasonal system is really something this game needs , i hope something is done in that direction , that would be just wonderful , then it would be one of the best mods for fallout ever
    3. DoubleYou
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      • 804 kudos
      This is why it is optional. 
    4. yennifer1980
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      it's not so nice in winter without snow 
    5. DoubleYou
      • premium
      • 804 kudos
      Every snow mod has its bugs in this game. If I ever find the secret to fixing it I will. 
  5. capracapra
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Beautiful mod, beautiful winter weathers. Thanks.
  6. kbkiller32600
    • premium
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    Hey ! Have you planned to update seasons change ? Because there are some issues, and It could be great if, depending on the season, cold or warmth could impact our gameplay, looking forward to hearing from you.
    1. yennifer1980
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      • 3 kudos
    2. rowdy404
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    3. Fabby815
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    4. DoubleYou
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    5. ArcanicVoid
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      • 67 kudos
    6. wxMichael
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      • 69 kudos
    7. perchik71
      • premium
      • 284 kudos
      DoubleYou troll 80lvl - pretty boy
  7. JustinKringstad
    • premium
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    i'm making a modlist with a desert theme. is there a setting or way to have this stay on summer by default, with very little rain. and dust storms
    1. fallrazz
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Why on earth would you no just NOT use this mod and instead go with something like Desperados instead?
    2. JustinKringstad
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      i added a dust storm mod and this was one of the required mods. i'm just asking if its possible to keep this on summer. so i dont end up with snow in my desert
  8. LeapinL
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am absolutely loving this mod.
    You have Console util as a requirement for the mod, however NG F4se will not hook that plugin.
    This is what I get from the F4SE log.
    plugin ConsoleUtilF4.dll (00000000  00000000) no version data 0 (handle 0)
    Is there any other mod that might do the same thing as this mod?
    I'm only asking here as there don't seem to be any recent comments on the other mods page. 
    Thank you for a truly awesome mod.
    1. DoubleYou
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      Next version I will switch to Garden of Eden. 
  9. andrey30montanka
    • member
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    Шо то жостко зависа навіть програма по установці цього моду. видалив всі файли.
  10. Nartaga
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I'm getting weird collision boxes on a couple tree groups. Invisible walls around them. It normally wouldn't be that noticeable but they are ones with paths between the trees so I've gotten stuck on them more than a few times. I tried loading my game without Seasons and the collision around the trees went back to normal (no invisible walls blocking me).

    The most noticeable and easy to find one as an example is near Sanctuary on the Vault 111 side of the river. But there are many more instances where collision is messed with. Think it might be the branches potentially? Or if Seasons changes the tree collision boxes on certain trees?

    ID for a branch on the Sanctuary tree group I'm using as an example is: 282efa22. Hopefully should point you right to the trees I'm talking about (again, definitely not the only ones, but the best example that's easy to find and point out).

    This is also post-war and I don't have any tree mods installed. I do have alot of mods, though. So some secondary confirmation on this issue would help shed some light on it. Could just be user error or a conflict of some sort, though I don't know what would be conflicting to cause this only when Seasons is active in my load order?
    1. DoubleYou
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      • 804 kudos
      Was this in a scrap zone? Also, is Seasons.esm the origin of the formid mentioned? 
    2. DoubleYou
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      I traveled to the tree in question and walked all around it. I do not see any collision issues. The collision is vanilla collision, so I don't know what is causing your issue or how my mod is related.
    3. Nartaga
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Thanks for checking, I just got home and booted up my computer to double check. It must be another mod somewhere causing issues somewhere. Sorry for the trouble
  11. TallNSkinnyGuy
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    would it be possible to add a 1k snow replacer file? or even like a 512p snow replacer file lol? i love the mod i got an i5 10th gen and an rtx 4060 i get enough rames just fine, i just wanna stay above 100fps at all time on 2k resolution lol
    1. rowdy404
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      • 2 kudos
  12. sabine1969
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    is this mod still getting updates