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  1. Haha365
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just curious,  since AN76 has IAF patching. Isc this just including compatability with Complex Sorter, as well?
    1. Rantanplan76
      • premium
      • 157 kudos
      Eh yes, there is an IAF Patch at AN76-Modpage.
      I included this Patch into mine, but will do a "only Complex Sorter Patch" later today.
    2. dguite
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hi! Did you ever do that complex sorter  version?
  2. mdsgeistt
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Do I need this if I already use CS to create sorter patches?
    1. Rantanplan76
      • premium
      • 157 kudos
      If you created your own Item sorter patch, no, only IAF may be missing, if you didn´t include it.
  3. BlazeStryker
    • premium
    • 51 kudos
    The update is cool. But I face Haha's dilemma in that I've already patched IAF with AN76.
    1. Rantanplan76
      • premium
      • 157 kudos
      You could remove the IAF patch, thats what we did.
      Saves a plugin...

      But yeah, if I have time this weekend, I perhaps do an item sorter only
    2. BlazeStryker
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      As long as the ba2 count is low I'm not worried. It's esl-tagged. :)
    3. Rantanplan76
      • premium
      • 157 kudos
      I understand what you mean.
      But why do you need this patch without IAF?
      This doesn´t break anything and uses the same keywords as "original" so it doesn´t matter which loads last.
    4. BlazeStryker
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      I worry that patching the same thing twice will break it, if I'm honest.

      Mod interactions are an arcane and bizarre crafting. I just got told by LOOT to upgrade my 8.6.0 AWKCR to 8.5 or higher.
    5. Rantanplan76
      • premium
      • 157 kudos
      It won´t break anything....
    6. DiscipleDarkfriend
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      Is it safe to presume this is not needed when running one's own complex patcher?