Reputation is back! Implements a highly integrated, faithful, and reactive version of New Vegas's reputation system, with dynamic consequences, rewards, and more.
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Console modding permissionThe author gave permission for someone else to port this mod to console and for it to be uploaded to Please credit the author, however
Author notes
You may not edit this mod to add NEW factions on your end. You need to message me and request that I add the faction myself.
Note that this refers to adding NEW factions to the mod. This does NOT apply for activating or adding support for existing factions that are already setup within the mod.
This is not an arbitrary restriction. Due to the way that I've structured the system, factions are all indexed at the same position across various data structures, and a third-party patch (or multiple third-party patches) that add new factions will break the mod due to rule of one. If you ignore this warning, I will have to request that you take your patch down.
File credits
See modpage credits section.
Donation Points system
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CHANGED: Rebalanced some idolized perks that were overtuned or useless. Some perks are slightly weaker, but they are much more useful.
CHANGED: Removed faction quest completion fame events, as they were inappropriate in some cases. E.X. you no longer gain Institute fame for destroying the institute.
CHANGED: Added a 24 hour delay between faction forgiver spawns, so they won't spam you back-to-back whenever you change locations.
CHANGED: Changed faction forgiver display names to "FactionName Diplomat" to make them more distinct.
CHANGED: Capturing Nuka-World parks now removes some infamy for the chosen faction.
CHANGED: The U.S.S. Constitution's reputation entry is now discovered by speaking to Lookout, instead of arriving at the location. This change was made because the U.S.S. Constitution's location radius is absolutely massive, and you could discover the ship without ever seeing it. This does not affect the map marker or the location record.
CHANGED: Rebalanced Blind Betrayal's reputation events to be more intuitive.
CHANGED: Improved the ai packages for forgivers. They will walk back to their faction's base when they're done speaking to you.
FIXED: Properly structured and conditioned faction forgiver quests so there can only be one active quest at a time. This should prevent issues where forgivers were spawning at the same time and attacking eachother.
FIXED: Prevented Old North Church from causing the player to discover the Railroad. Old North Church is still considered a Railroad location.
FIXED: Translators can now translate reputation alignment messageboxes by editing the strings in the proper arrays on the quest REP_repLibHolder's script "repLib".
OPTIMIZED: Optimized quest event detector script logic by commenting out irrelevant elseif's for unused quest events/stages.
FIXED: Resolved an issue where the dialogue for the Railroad’s forgiveness scene was bugged and wouldn’t finish.
Version 1.0.9
ADDED: Introduced asynchronous functions for fame/infamy/alignment, and some global versions of other common functions. Mainly for modder utility and convenience.
CHANGED: Drastically improved crime detection, you will no longer be detected through walls when stealing/sneak killing/etc, if you're properly hidden.
FIXED: Changed Covenant's internal reputation faction to the covenant crime faction for consistency.
OPTIMIZED: Minor script cleanup and optimization.
Version 1.0.8
ADDED: Introduced a SetAlignmentG function for easier manual reputation adjustment in console commands and mods/patches.
CHANGED: Rebalanced Cabot House reputation gains slightly.
FIXED: Added Mayor McDonough to the assault/kill reputation blacklist, as killing him is a valid option for In Sheep's Clothing. You still gain infamy with Diamond City, as the citizens prefer a peaceful trial, but you do not gain extra default infamy from attacking him.
FIXED: Added Lorenzo Cabot to the assault/kill reputation blacklist, as killing him is the best option for the rest of Cabot House.
FIXED: Addressed an issue where Acadia infamy could be randomly gained when assaulting or killing non-Acadia NPCs.
FIXED: Addressed an issue where a Brotherhood of Steel Direct Hit Squad could only spawn before the Prydwen arrives, rather than after.
FIXED: Resolved an issue where assaulting/killing General Atomics Galleria robots did not grant infamy for that faction.
FIXED: Resolved an issue where Point Lookout's NPCFactionIndex perk was not being distributed.
FIXED: Added extra Institute locations to the Institute location formlist. This should resolve issues where the Institute can sometimes remain undiscovered until fame or infamy is gained.
FIXED: Hopefully resolved an issue where the Atom Cats mini-quest was not granting fame or infamy.
Version 1.0.7
ADDED: Additional minor reputation reactions for spooking Penny or Talia in Covenant's quest.
FIXED: Added Finn, Kyle, Winlock, and Barnes to a blacklist for reputation loss, as assaulting or killing them is a valid option that doesn't anger the faction.
Version 1.0.6
FIXED: Included a missing topicinfo script for a Brotherhood of Steel hitsquad.
FIXED: Resolved more benign xEdit errors with quest aliases. Thank you to Glitchfinder for showing me how to clean this up.
OPTIMIZED: Recompiled scripts in Release Final for script performance. The mod was originally released in Release Final, but I re-installed Creation Kit yesterday and forgot to change my compiler settings back to Release Final instead of Debug.
Version 1.0.5
CHANGED: Rebalanced Brotherhood of Steel reactions for Blind Betrayal to be more logical.
CHANGED: Added a missing set of reactions for Harbormen, for completing the Captains Dance.
FIXED: Added a missing set of reactions for the Atom Cats, for their short questline with Warwick Homestead and the Gunners.
NOTE: The Harbormen/Atom Cats reactions might not work on existing saves. I was not able to resolve this automatically for existing saves, even by running these console commands via script. However, you can fix this by running these console commands on existing saves:
stopquest REP_QuestEventDetector_Custom
resetquest REP_QuestEventDetector_Custom
startquest REP_QuestEventDetector_Custom
Version 1.0.4
ADDED: Icon assets for Loaded Bases' D.C. Security.
ADDED: Implemented D.C. Security's Idolized Perk.
CHANGED: Updated the DefaultEnableModdedFaction script to be easier to use.
FIXED: Resolved most of the benign xEdit errors. The remaining errors are harmless, and should be ignored.
Version 1.0.3
FIXED: Corrected null references in cells. Fix contributed by Ungeziefi.
Version 1.0.2
CHANGED: Archived sound files and interface files into the main ba2. Scripts will remain as loose files so mod authors and patchers can compile scripts that use reputation functions or data.
FIXED: Removed unused CustomMessageBoxAssets to prevent warnings of conflicts with KARMA. This wasn't an issue since it's unused in both mods, but removing it prevents the warning from appearing.
Version 1.0.1
ADDED: New Default script, DefaultEnableModdedFaction. This functions similarly to a LL injection script, but it sets relevant faction data to initialize faction reputation for modded factions. This script is a critical component in patches that enable and integrate modded faction reputation. This does NOT automatically integrate them and add reactions and consequences to the faction's reputation. It simply sets up critical data for the faction.
ADDED: Internal support for a few modded faction location map reputations, at the request of an author.
CHANGED: Rebalanced the Cabot House idolized perk, as it was overtuned.
FIXED: Fixed typos in the Brotherhood of Steel + Harbormen's idolized perk descriptions.
FIXED: Filled modded faction idolized perk icons with the correct icons, if I made icons for that modded faction.
Version 1.0.0
No donations accepted
You now accrue a reputation among the various factions and towns of the Commonwealth! This is a highly faithful and dynamic recreation of New Vegas’s reputation system, incorporated into Fallout 4.
FEATURING - A highly reactive, and dynamic reputation system, with rewards and consequences! - Hit-Squads , Gift-Givers, Supply Crates, Idolized Perks, Dynamic Pricing, and more! - A brand-new dynamic REPUTATION Pip-Boy tab. - Custom animated and static Pip-Boy icons. - Configurable and dynamic map marker faction reputation display. - Custom sound effects by tostikaas. - Extensive customization in a robust MCM. - Soft support for modders and patchers to integrate popular faction mods.
BREAKDOWN Exactly what it sounds like! Explore the wasteland, make decisions, speak to people, and your faction reputation will react accordingly. You can balance and adjust the mod in the MCM, so you have agency over the system.
HIT SQUADS - Reaching a very negative reputation with some factions may cause hit squads to start spawning, similar to NCR Ranger Squads or Legionary Assassins in New Vegas. - These hit squads have two variants. Factions will either patrol in search of you, or they will actively pursue and attack you. - You can stop these attacks by making peace or amicability with the faction, or by wiping out the faction entirely. - Hit Squads have one overall cooldown timer for spawning and an individual cooldown for each hit squad, so you will not be spammed with them while fast traveling around the map.
GIFT GIVERS - Reaching a positive reputation with some factions may cause gift givers to start spawning, similar to the Megaton Settler in Fallout 3. - These gift givers will give you whatever their faction can provide. Wealthy factions may attempt to buy your favor with lavish gifts and gear, while poorer factions will give you whatever they can offer to show their gratitude, such as the food that they've grown on their land. - Gift Givers have a cooldown timer for triggering, so you won't be harassed every time you visit a faction location.
SUPPLY CRATES - Reaching a positive reputation with some factions may provide you with access to their gear, materials, or a tribute chest in your honor. Similar to faction safehouses in New Vegas, such as the NCR Ranger Safehouse or Brotherhood of Steel Safehouse. - Supply crates are placed in conspicuous spots in the faction's "main area". - Some factions will lock their crate if you are not eligible for it. Some factions may hide their crate entirely. - The loot in each supply crate is relevant to the factions wealth and equipment.
IDOLIZED PERKS - Reaching a very positive reputation with factions will reward you with a unique idolized perk for that faction. - This perk is only kept if you maintain a very positive reputation with the faction, breaking their trust will cause you to lose the perk. - Idolized perks are powerful and unique, but not game-breaking or unbalanced. They serve as little cherries-on-top for specific builds, relevant to the faction. - This feature is inspired by Sweet6Shooter's FNV/TTW mod, Friends With Benefits Perk Pack.
DYNAMIC PRICING - Faction vendors will change their prices for buying and selling depending on that faction's overall opinion of you. - If you have a positive reputation, buying will be cheaper and selling will be more profitable. - If you have a negative reputation, buying will be more expensive and selling will be less profitable.
SALUTES - Generic NPCs in the more organized or militaristic factions will have a chance to salute you when you look at them, depending on how liked you are. - Each salute-capable faction has a unique salute or set of unique salute animations that will play when eligible. - This feature is inspired by pericov1's mod, NCR Salute - ESPless.
CRIME DETECTION - Actions and crimes are dynamically detected in a number of different ways, for responsiveness. - Detected crimes include Assault, Murder, Trespassing, Stealing, Intimidations, and more! - These actions will cause an appropriate amount of infamy gain for the affected faction... but only if you are detected by a member of that faction.
INSTALLATION Ensure that you install the correct version of each framework for your game version. The links below will send you to the download page for the correct version of the mod, if you're uncertain.
COMPATIBILITY REPUTATION is compatible with most mods, due to the lack of vanilla edits. See the section below for the only load order rule.
NOTES IS THIS COMPATIBLE WITH THE NEXT-GEN UPDATE? Yes! This mod works on both versions. Just follow the installation instructions above.
WHERE SHOULD I PLACE THIS IN MY LOAD ORDER? This can be placed anywhere, just make sure that FallUI - Inventory loads anywhere AFTER this mod, if you are using it. If you are not using that mod, then load order is not relevant.
CAN I INSTALL THIS MID-SAVE? Yes! However, this mod is not retroactive on existing saves. You will not gain fame or infamy from quests and dialogue that you have already completed, but you will for new actions and decisions. You can manually set your alignment with each faction via console commands.
WHAT ABOUT MODDED FACTION / LONDON SUPPORT? Yes, actually! This mod supports over 60 factions, including vanilla factions. These modded factions can be enabled very easily, and patches can be created to add reactivity and integration. Currently, London factions are not included as I haven't played London enough to know what to add.
WHY IS MY REPUTATION TAB BLANK? That is intentional. You discover factions by visiting their locations, or by earning fame/infamy, same as New Vegas.
NOTE FOR MODDERS REPUTATION was made with extensive features and support for quest modders/modding utility in mind from the start. If you are a modder who has an idea for a quest mod, or really any mod, that would benefit from interacting with REPUTATION, check out the "repLib.psc" file included in this mod for a full library of very straightforward and documented functions to safely and easily interact with the Player's reputation. You can also post questions about it or message me on nexus or discord, and I'll happily answer.
CREDITS - LOC (ItsMeJesusHChrist) - For creating the icons and assets used in the thumbnail, banner, and the mod itself. Thank you LOC! - alegendv1 (yoyoma3010) - For extensive advice, support, debugging, and map marker renaming utility. - Sebbo:Mixamo in Bethesda Mod School Resources - For creating animations that were used in this mod. - justreddz - For creating the formal salute animation for the Minutemen. - WitchsWorkshop - For writing the forgiveness notes and the Pip-Info flavor. - PrincessAries - For creating custom loadscreen meshes. - tostikaas - For creating the reputation sound effects in this mod. - The awesome people behind the Independent Fallout Wiki - For providing extensive documentation and resources on Fallout New Vegas's Reputation.
TO EVERYONE ELSE! Everyone who provided design feedback and encouragement across various discords over the past months. For helping me make REPUTATION the best that it can be, whether it was through feedback on design, balance, icons, or logic, you helped make the mod what it is today.
I've wanted something like this since I first started playing Fallout 4 on my old PS4 in ~2018. It's a dream to be able to complete and release this project. I hope that you guys enjoy it :)