Semi-newb question here. At what SS level does this show up as an option to build in settlement? I do not see it as a plot design, but I am also half way through chapter 1.
I really like this but it gives me CTD for some reason on start menu.
Edit there's some unknown conflicts in my list I did an old solution that resolves the start menu CTD by deleting all files in my fallout4/data/ folder except F4SE and then verified with steam and used vortex mod manager pro to re-enable all the files. We're now good to go.
Reminds me of that 1 prison with the watchtower surrounded by barbed wire has spotlights in the center of the prison so the prisoners have no privacy, love it!
I do not see it as a plot design, but I am also half way through chapter 1.
Edit there's some unknown conflicts in my list I did an old solution that resolves the start menu CTD by deleting all files in my fallout4/data/ folder except F4SE and then verified with steam and used vortex mod manager pro to re-enable all the files. We're now good to go.