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Fusion Girl conversion and IKAROS Androids Patch for the HN66s SIRIUS.12 Assault Suit!

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Fusion Girl conversion and IKAROS Androids Patch for the HN66s SIRIUS.12 Assault Suit!


Download and install the main mod and its requirements.
Download and install on of the available Bodyslide files and/or the optional IKAROS Android Patch!
Open Bodyslide and enter the Group Filter HN66s Sirius.12 - FG for the normal version or HN66s Sirius.12 HHS - FG for the Fallout 4 High Heels System version and build these Bodyslides.
For IKAROS Androids just install the patch it's just an esl flagged esp. The patch works with any body type, like CBBE, TWB, FG.

The High Heels System version applies to all shoes, not just heels. In the standard version of humannature66, the lower legs and feet are compressed so that the soles of the shoes stand on the ground. I have corrected this in the HHS version so that the lower legs correspond to the original length of the body and the body is raised by the height of the heel.

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humannature66 for the original mod

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