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CHANGED: Allowed dodging while in Power Armor if Emergency Protocols is active. Thank you to Wulf_BearClaw for this suggestion.
Version 2.0.2
CHANGED: Prevented sliding while in Power Armor, as the third person animation is broken for it.
FIXED: Added some minor safety checks to sliding.
Version 2.0.1
ADDED: Re-added ini keybinding functionality for dodging, for people like me that use an mcm-incompatible key to dodge (i use left alt). - This feature is disabled by default, and you should stick to the MCM for keybinds unless you're also using a weird key.
OPTIMIZED: Removed an accidental redundant check for both dodging and sliding.
Version 2.0.0
ADDED: New feature, Dodging! This is a cyberpunk-style directional dodge, a short range dash with brief damage resistance. - You can dodge when you press the keybind while walking/jogging in a direction. You cannot dodge while attacking, sprinting, reloading, or sneaking. - You can dodge while sprinting if you have the Moving Target perk at level 3. - Dodging is on a keybind, configurable in the MCM. - Dodging also requires Actor Velocity Framework, and is thus last/old-gen exclusive.
ADDED: Speed penalty for sneaking with 0 AP, if you have Sneaking Drains AP enabled.
CHANGED: Sliding is now automatically handled by your crouch key, no need to bind a key for sliding.
CHANGED: Reduced directional movement speed penalties.
CHANGED: Sliding and dodging now require and drain a configurable % of your max AP instead of a configurable static number. You can adjust this in the MCM.
FIXED: Fixed an issue where sliding drained extra AP if you had Sneaking Drains AP enabled.
OPTIMIZED: Heavy script optimization. - Recompiled in Release Final instead of Debug. - Switched some logic evaluations to Garden of Eden Condition Functions instead of papyrus functions for massive script performance gains.
REMOVED: Disabled the Sprint Momentum module for now, as the current implementation is subpar. - This will be re-added when I do some more testing with magic effect tapering.
Version 1.2.2
OPTIMIZED: Minor script optimizations. This should also address cases where sliding would not work until the game was reloaded.
Version 1.2.1
FIXED: Resolved an issue where Actor Velocity Framework may not have been checked properly on some installations.
Version 1.2.0
ADDED: New option for the "Sprinting Out Of Combat" module. You can now choose between 0 AP cost or 50% AP cost reduction when not in combat.
CHANGED: Seperated the download into two main files, so your keybinds are not reset when I update the mod. Ensure that you install both files.
FIXED: Fixed an issue where sliding while jumping could cause hovering.
Version 1.1.1
FIXED: Fixed an edge case where you could slide while pressing crouch in freecam/photomode.
Version 1.1.0
ADDED: Optional secondary keybind for sliding, configurable in EnhancedMovement.ini
ADDED: Placed a link in EnhancedMovement.ini to the pinned post on this page that contains all controller keycodes.
CHANGED: Minor script optimizations.
CHANGED: Various condition improvements and cleanup for perks and abilities
CHANGED: Swimming and sneaking now consume less AP.
CHANGED: Sprint momentum now grants slightly more bonus speed.
CHANGED: Compressed audio files from .wav -> .xwm for smaller filesize.
FIXED: You now correctly start sneaking after finishing a slide in third-person, similar to Starfield.
Version 1.0.0
No donations accepted
OVERVIEW Adds and improves movement mechanics such as sliding, sprinting, directional movement speed, and more. Modular and highly configurable. This is far better viewed and explained in a video, so enjoy this quick and dirty showcase linked below.
BREAKDOWN Enhanced Movement is highly modular. Each of these modules can be toggled and configured individually in the MCM at any time. MODULES - SLIDING - Press your crouch keybind while sprinting at full speed to perform a slide, similar to Call of Duty, Titanfall 2, or Apex Legends. Yes, you can shoot and attack while sliding. Sliding can be configured in the MCM. (Sliding requires Actor Velocity Framework, and thus requires that you are on last-gen.)
- DODGING - Press a configurable keybind while moving to dodge to the side, similar to Cyberpunk 2077's, dodge. Yes, you can shoot and attack while dodging. Dodging can be configured in the MCM. (Dodging requires Actor Velocity Framework, and thus requires that you are on last-gen.)
- SPRINT MOMENTUM - (CURRENTLY DISABLED) You build up a small amount of bonus movement speed while continuously sprinting, which resets when you stop moving.
- DIRECTIONAL MOVEMENT SPEED - You move slower while backpedaling, and you move slightly slower while strafing. Speed multipliers from legendary effects and perks are still applied.
- SPRINTING OUT OF COMBAT - Sprinting costs 0 AP or 50% less AP outside of combat.
- AP DRAIN WHILE SWIMMING - Swimming drains AP, based on your Endurance. Low Endurance drains more AP. High Endurance drains less AP.
- AP DRAIN WHILE SNEAKING - Sneaking now drains AP, based on your Agility. Running out of AP gives you a small speed debuff while sneaking. Low Agility drains more AP. High Agility drains less AP.
NOTES This mod DOES work on next-gen, except for the sliding/dodging module, due to the Actor Velocity Framework requirement. However, the rest of the mod works perfectly fine on either version. Until Actor Velocity Framework is updated, sliding/dodging will not work on next-gen.