This Mod / Patch was Official created for my Collection: Fallout: London - QoL & Fixes
I have made a separate patch for everyone that just want Fallout: London files covered with Complex Sorter. If you wish to install it this way make sure you get all the requirements. -
any possibility of translation into Spanish?
Is anyone getting a bug where all weapons have a "Piggy Bank" wording in front of them?
Example is a "Piggy Bank Combat Rifle" instead of Combat Rifle.
Getting that issue as well, am using the optional file and have the requisite mods. Am on v1.01 of FOLON.
I'm still getting this on the latest version, any idea how to fix it?
I was using the optional file. (I'm not using your collection but created my own list)
I'm using these now instead:
And it seems to be working. Theres still a few bugs like the SMG being improperly labeled (since it's actually a pistol, but has smg in the name) and weapons not showing icons and showing raw tags when dropped in the world.
I have no idea why it was showing piggy bank weapons. I saw a few of them show up again but dropping / picking them up fixed the naming
thanks for you effort , may i know if this was made only by the complex sorter ( auto generated patch only ) or did you tune it manually after that because the complex sorter does make mistakes
that's weird because i tried it and beside the missing masters even i downloaded the optional file i found out that most of the aid items added by london team doesn't have icons while the auto generated patch i made using the complex sorter covers it
could this be because i choose the pro option when i installed the FIS sorter ? should i choose the basic option ? -
i figured it out , it's because i don't use the masters
any chance of uploading a version without the masters ? -
Can confirm, In addition to the required masters listed and expected main game files, Mod Organizer shows the following additional required masters that aren't listed in the mod description as required:
Vanilla Extensions
Workshop Rearranged
Workshop Framework -
s'all good. Having worked on stuff when exhausted or not quite awake, I totally get this. Looking forward to the update when you have the time :)
CommunityTweaksMerged.esp is still required in the optional file
Why not post it here, this is for London only https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4london
oh ok i see your point ,no problem mate
IMO, London could have been a FO4 mod category since there's so much overlap. Or at least make it so it behaves as a sub category of fo4 regardless of how it looks on the website. Otherwise mod organizers are kind of broken since FOLON is treated as its own game and its never going to work perfectly since AFAIK its impossible to have your setup track mods for 2 different games in a single load order but many FOLON mods have FO4 mods as requirements
Everything will be pre-installed in my collection to prevent you from doing this all by yourself, but I think they're worth the mention.
So you mean every prerequisite mod are included in your mod without downloading them separately. Am I right?