this mod and see through scopes are both 100% necessary in anyone's fallout 4. I dont understand how people play this game with scope fade in times and dirty lenses.
Oh my fucking god my gatling laser is actually usable now, and i can actually see through it since it no longer darkens my vision. One of the top mods right here.
Perfect. Well done. Not sure why post-apocalyptic must mean everything should be dirty... same problem I have with the permanently dirty faces of the settlers.
Thank you!. thank you so damn much! AS someone who spent a good part of my time in the military rolling around in the dirt and crap outside, my Optics never looked as bad as the game shows unless I had just barely turfed it hard.
Thank you so much for this mod. I know it's a post apocalyptic setting game, but hell; who wouldn't clear the damn dirt of the thing you are suppose to see through when you life depends on it...
Is there a way you could make option: dirtier? I really prefer it being more challenging to aim and such, so a dirtier scope than vanilla and even on sniper rifle scopes would be fun (for me)!
Would you keep your lenses f***ed up with dirt if your life depended on it? I've made this mod because dirty lenses are just f***ing unrealistic. In Metro: Last Light when your visor gets dirty you get a special key just to make it clean. If and when Bethesda will grow some balls and release real modding tools for Fallout 4 then we can think about making a mod implementing a feature like this. Until then you can use my mod as you like, you can fork it and make a dirtier version of scopes. Personally, I don't see any point in doing so. TL;DR: No.
This is great. Maybe a version with about 75% extra transparency on the dirt, as the sights appear almost too clean now. In any case, much better than vanilla.
You either keep your lens clear or dirty as in vanilla, if you don't like the mod like this then you can make your own fork. I am not gonna waste my time breaking the mod I've made.
One of the top mods right here.
Thank you!. thank you so damn much! AS someone who spent a good part of my time in the military rolling around in the dirt and crap outside, my Optics never looked as bad as the game shows unless I had just barely turfed it hard.
This is a god send, love it.
TL;DR: No.