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  1. SexyWitch
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    sinisters GIFs in photos. please see them first before ... 
  2. SE4NLN415
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    What's the difference between all versions? Do I pick one or do I install them all? 
    I did try one of them and I think it's great, but we probably need better instructions on what they each specifically do. 
    1. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Beta- about 5% more. First release taken as deep test for conflicts.
      Alfa full- 12% more. Much more edits, timers, angles, added new dialog emote.
      NAC- 3/4 alfa for compatibility.
      Non talkative- no face check and talk addon
       In alfa full is difference for interior/exterior talk timers.😊
    2. SE4NLN415
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Cool, thanks
  3. lefttounge
    • supporter
    • 225 kudos
    Is there a chance this could be incompatible with NAC? :/
    I found that when I downloaded this mod, the 'weather's tab in the NAC holotape disappeared. But when I uninstalled this mod, it returned
    1. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Strange.  I dont use NAC. Try place it bellow my mod. Also there is "vanilla" bug, when holotape tabs went missing- i got this very rarely with aft for example- try other saves/new game.
    2. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 225 kudos
      Sadly I tried a lower placement, but got the same problem until I uninstalled
      I am using the legacy NAC, and never has problems until this mod. It is strange, somehow something might be causing conflict 
    3. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Conflict with nac probly,you was right. I see it now.. i will take a closelook on that and try patch it. Nac probably edit eyes also some way. 
    4. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 225 kudos
      That is so insane. :O How in the world does NAC affect eyes? that's so crazy when mod conflicts do this
    5. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Try it out- patch NAC version.
    6. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 225 kudos
      Thanks! Is the patch an esl? :O
    7. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Its experiment. To be honest, no Conflicts found at all. I just noticed that NAC is ,,a bit overclocked"  mod so I remove my texcoordinate edits . ESL by itself can cause your troubles.
    8. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 225 kudos
      Well NAC is kinda my game's life blood over here, and I don't have anymore space for anything that can't be made into an esl sadly. :/
      I guess thanks for the help
    9. DeltaAriadne
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      If you're using NAC X - Legacy Edition , you can use NAC X - MCM Settings Menu with Hotkeys so you don't have to rely on the heavily dated holotape menu.
    10. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 225 kudos
      I'd rather just have the holotape :/
    11. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Esl NAC patched version out. Contains 2 esls- eyes, angles, head. And dialog emote /already in alfafull/.
      Try one by one, then both. DeltaAriande is right, this can help for full version.. Most weirdest conflict witch NAC. 😊 Yet when i experimented with dark Ripper powers, actors run in circles during fights- like
      ,,Catch my if u can´´..    whitches things sometimes hapen.
    12. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 225 kudos
      Ok, I will check it out and see what happens, lwt you know
  4. GoneFish
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Helo dear witch queen
    Great mod thanks you. For me is 2kb fine tunned mod better then tons of scripts and added stuf.
    Works great. I choose Mutant and Fly's.
    1. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Youu are very kind.Thank you very much.🤗🥰
  5. GoneFish
    • member
    • 3 kudos
  6. MysticDaedra
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Going to give this a try, thanks :)

    Suggestion: use Snipping Tool (or f12/whatever your Steam screenshot button is) to get better images, photos from your phone give the impression of a low-quality mod or a modder who doesn't care about their own work. I doubt either of these are true.
    1. Caurbine
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It would only take them like 15 minutes to screen cap a video, but that's too much for them i guess.  It's literally just vanilla edits and they have a "buy me a coffee" tab on the homepage.  

      Still gave this mod a download and it is, by no means, a donation worthy mod, even thought the blinking and eye tracking is a LITTLE nicer.
    2. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Video took feew hours. Right moment and Concept. Its my Gift for everyone and i hope they enjoy it as i do 😊 
      You probably overlooked the section. Choose, it would be better to just select.
  7. BluePaperJet
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    1. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
  8. ShawnAdam8276
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Great mod, thanks!
    1. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      That makes me Happy 🤗
  9. magitsu
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    It seems to be hard to evaluate between the different eye tracking / expression mods, and there are many. For example for me natural and full alpha seem similar. Also Facial Expression and Eyetracking Engine fix mod and Player Comments and Head Tracking produce similar results. MO2 thinks they dont overlap, but it is not possible since removing some of them makes no difference.
    So I suggest a more thorough study, in the meanwhile here is a combo of Natural blinking esp (renamed to BetaEsp) + Expressive Expressions mod.
    1. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Corected. Thx for reply. 😊
      Natural= beta.
      Alfa Full= NEW better 
      I will upload modular standalone versions soon. For "overlaps" and precize combinations.
      I use Also Expressive Expressions. In my end works great  with 500+ mods. Fine tuning i hope. With no conflicts. More chaotic. Hope you will like it . Dialog emote is new in alfa.
  10. SexyWitch
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    🩶  I will cook something on the Witches Sabbath 👻🩶
  11. JBianculli
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    Very nice. Thank you!
    1. SexyWitch
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      That makes me Happy 🥰