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  1. chuh213
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is actually so well done, and so random in the context of Fallout.
    Now how about Captain Willard?
    1. NamelessWanderer88
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think Heart Of Darkness theme fits very well actually, also the Sole Survivor was a former decorated US Army soldier after all ;)
  2. Mr. Dave
    Mr. Dave
    • premium
    • 520 kudos
    The had sculpt looks pretty good! Too bad the in game slider doesn't go about twice more to the right for fat lol.
    He was told he had to lose weight for the role. He didn't. He got the part anyway because he had demanded a one million dollar sum just for the initial meeting, and he would get to keep that million regardless of whether he got the part or not.
    Apocalypse Now is my favorite all time movie. I've had it memorized for many, many years. The director's cut that came out much later was some serious icing on the cake.

    For those interested, John Malkovich played Kurtz in Heart of Darkness, the story which Apocalypse Now is based. He does a good job, naturally.
    1. razathor
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey thanks for the tidbit on the movie HOD, I actually didn't know they ever made one. I also enjoyed that about him being fat for the role because that always popped up in my head like.. wait this dude is basically a high ranking spec-ops and looks like he's been blasting a couple pizzas a day. He still did one hell of a job, I was actually sad he had so little screen time but that may have added to the mystique.
  3. iamnolongersane
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The horror... the horror...

    EDIT: I should really read comments before I say things.
    1. razathor
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Lol, just a testament to how memorable that line was.. I said it in my head several times while doing it lol
  4. razathor
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for the props everyone. I know he was a strange idea in the context of the Fallout universe lol. I also know a lot of people don't like these all the time but somehow this is addictive lol. I have a ton of odd ideas but sometimes the selection menu options simply don't provide the means, even if it's just one vital thing.
  5. deleted7103646
    • account closed
    • 135 kudos
    the horror...the horror..
  6. AlecMitch
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    oh now I can talk about seeing a snail on a razor, and proporly say the horror, you should consider trying your hand at a kilgore.
  7. Bernt
    • premium
    • 392 kudos
    That's actaully pretty close. well done