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  1. GroteGrottrol
    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    As mentioned in my dedicated article for my blueprints:

    Fallout London v1.02 and earlier have severe settlement bugs. Settler assignments are broken but there is a trick that lets you dodge the worst of it. When you assign a settler they will say they accepted the task but they'll never do the job, assignments get cancelled and the setler 'leaves', their affiliation to the settlement breaks.

    Following steps enables you to effectively assign them to a task:
    • Select an unassigned settler and open the MOVE menu.
    • Move them to the current location. The current settlement will be listed.
    • Open the MOVE menu again. The current settlement should no longer be listed. Tab out.
    • Assign a task.
    • Select the same settler again and open the MOVE menu once more. The current settlement will be listed again, select it.
    • The settler will now have accepted the task and the job will be assigned.
    • They do not always tend to their shops if you assigned them to one, but you should be able to trade and gain tickets in your local workshop workbench.
    Be carefull, do not switch their jobs around afterwards!!!
    It will break assignments without any abillity to recover. One job assignment per settler per savegame.
  2. MickeyFlint
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The lower level end has a problem with the navmesh. I am able to walk right through the concrete walls and i consistently fall right through the wooden floors into the Thames (insta death). Is there a way to rebuild the blueprint or is this a common issue?
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Not a common issue, but it can happen, due to game engine hickups...
      Briefly mentioned in my article on the Transfer Settlements modpage Import and Export - As Stable As Possible. Collision problems?
      I could only reproduce this a few times (most reports indicate it happens with the concrete buildset from the wasteland workshop DLC),
      but the most prevalent tip i've seen is to disable animations during import.
      Do the import again on stable or rapid setting, most important: disable animations, In the same article i suggest following these settings:

      • ✘ OFF Player comments during Import.
      • ✘ OFF Explosions while Nuking a settlement.
      • ✘ OFF Animations during Import.
      • ✔ ON Shut down generators during the Power-Up phase
      • ✔ ON Shut down generators while Nuking
      • ✔ ON Pause NPC-AI during Import
      • ✘ OFF Electricity effects during Import
      • ✘ OFF Temporary Storm to jump start electricity.
      • ✘ OFF Import Items from the ground up.

      Nuke the settlement, which removes the previous import, and import it again.
      I do prefer to do a standalone nuking first (less risk crashing). But you can nuke and import in a single session if you want to.
    2. MickeyFlint
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      thanks man for the speedy reply! I am sorry that i missed that in your article. i did get a kick out of the animation watching everything fall from the sky was a hoot but now that i have i will do the most stable install i can. 

      its a really fun settlement build though i even fell into the Thames without falling through the floor lol. It will be fun to tweek to my style but man you put in a lot of thought and effort. Looks dope and really fits into the aesthetic.. Thanks for all the hard work and sharing.
    3. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Have fun finetuning the settlement.

      This series of blueprints were very quick builds, mainly created for testing Transfer Settlements during development of the most recent update.
      I have been playing with the idea of taking more time, these blueprints were one-day builds. Maybe one day i'll follow up with a v2.0 by building it up like i would in the commonwealth FO4 back in the day. On the other hand they are perfect as they are. Not much or nothing to scrap, pure basegame no required mods, but still convenient and fallout-esque.
  3. noobkillerv2
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Did I break something? All the other settlements built with transfer settlements work fine, but when I try to assign someone to the mutfruit plants in this settlement, they leave and the resource never gets assigned.
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      I noticed settlements in FoLon ain't working like they should. Having a lot of problems with settler assignments myself.
      It is a well known FoLon issue. Unrelated to Transfer Settlements or blueprints.

      Especially in London Bridge where there were several settlers present before owning the settlement.
      The mercenaries only like to be guards, they'll tend to the guard posts even though they show being unassigned.
      The few settlers i got there will work the crops, but again crops and settlers showing not being assigned.
      Shops are the biggest pain, only got 1 working reliably.
      And do not try to move settlers between settlements, that is completely bugged.

      For me the settlements are half working, happiness stays around 70-80.
      Lets hope the FoLon team will fix this in an upcoming update.

      /edit see sticky post on top
  4. ijat93
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    I already made some changes to the place like adding/scrapping stuffs until I saw this mod and I really want it, am I cooked? Should I still give it a try?
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      People do not expect blueprints with minimal or no scrapping needed, do they? Lol. (You are the 2nd user asking a similar question)

      For the bridge it ain`t an easy answer. I literally let everything as it was. So if you import this all the original shacks and walls on top of the bridge might be missing... You can still give it a go, place a few shacks and walls yourself after the import to fill the gaps. And of course it will be cleaner than mine.

      Just try it, if you do not like it you can remove it using the TS nuke option.
      If after all you do like your own additions make sure to export it for later use. 
    2. ijat93
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Ok thanks, I will try it out