Hi, I can't download this mod, I'm getting "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" error. I'm aware this is a very old mod. Any chance to make it avaible again?
Could you remove the green light from the beacon loot bag? I haven't seen the corresponding item in the two tasks, except the transmitter in the union station, but it seems that it doesn't need to be marked.
I made a version that uses regular items (which fit into the game's environment). But I need to check how everything works. I'll make an update tomorrow.
on my game the union supplies turned into a green spaceship which also blocked me from walking into the room that actually contained it =/ so yeah this might need to be edited :D. I do also have
cheers, have done that. But is the supplies now meant to be a yellow beam like in the pictures or something else, just want to know what the ufo has been changed too so in can keep an eye out what color or shape