Yep, something's wrong with the BetterLodge_T.ba2 file on your end. You either forgot to extract it to your Data folder or didn't put its name in your ini.
Don't know if it's just the placement of the camp mixed with certain lighting, but the fully transparent windows come off as foggy/stained? Is that intentional?
It happens when you activate building mode. The same happens with vanilla mesh. Honestly,I don't know what causes that exactly. If you don't enter building mode throughout the session, it works as intended.
Just a FYI that I found when activating/deactivating the mod. The upstairs part of the chimney moves between the states. I had a gun rack and shelf attached to the chimney and disabling the mod hides the gunrack and half buries the shelf. By design or something else?
Great mod as usual, but can I ask if you plan on doing another version with clear glass. I only ask because the glass in this one is quite bad for reflecting none existent foliage on the inside of the build, making it very difficult to see through. Love the fire and smoke also, but again, would be better if the glass on the fire was clearer/transparent.
Haven't unlocked this yet, but great mod, totally will be installing it. Hope you don't mind, but linked to this from all my "With A View" mods, figured folks using those would like this.
Awesome mod amyways and am enjoying it!
Thank you!
Love the fire and smoke also, but again, would be better if the glass on the fire was clearer/transparent.
Just released a separate version with that in mind.
Thank you.
Hope you don't mind, but linked to this from all my "With A View" mods, figured folks using those would like this.
But of course. Thanks a lot for linking it! I appreciate that!
Reflectively , BorderXer