So it turns out I was getting a C++ error when trying to install aiohttp. After a bunch of troubleshooting, I was able to resolve that error using the VS build tools and selectively installing MSVC and the newest Windows 10 SDK.
Installation went correctly (finally), and it was able to parse out the items into a text file.
Is it possible to put a column for "item_desc" complete (with "\n" substitution with "") for weapon and armors? like "50% armor penetration/replenish 15 action points/100% faster movement speed"
Sure, here's a quick fix, it will show description in column after (now mostly missing) legendary effects. "\n" is replaced with "|" and it will show whole description, not just legendary stars - that means effects like "+10 carry weight" if armor has deep pocketed mod... Not made to work with price checking since fed76 prices are obsolete due to new legendary system.
I'm not a Python guy, but I was able to make a few changes to add two columns for Inventory Weight and Stash Weight. I learned a ton about python just doing that simple change.
My question is, I see that the dump contains a bunch of other data, would it be possible to add all of this to the output of the parser, and then just let people filter out what data they don;t want?
Maybe another parse flag for standard (default) and All?
Having two separate columns for the two weight types was incredibly helpful for trying to organize and clean up multiple stashes, as not all of my mules have weight saving perks.
Thanks, it would be possible but a lot of the data in file is either irrelevant (like isSpoiled, containerID...) or is obsolete - like some nuclear winter data that is removed and will always be the same value (itemCategory, rarity...) so I don't think it will be added.
Even price checking will soon be obsolete since new legendary system is coming out.
However if you wanted to list all data in table format there are some converters online ( - convert from json to csv
This is the tags mod -
I copied over the items file from the extraction into the parser folder I made. When I click to run the parser I get a flash of a window open then it closes without any change to the itemsmod.ini file.
Odd request but I'm trying to have a column for weight so that i can sort by scrip value divided by weight. My goal is to be able to quickly decide which legendarys to store for future scripping while using up little stash space. I can't figure out how to import weight into my excel sheet but if that is possible easily then I would appreciate it.
Just a quick edit to file, you can edit py file with notepad, in lines 1361 and 1431: Instead of item_text] set this and save file: item_text, item['weight']]
This will add weights for weapon and armor in column after "Full item name"
Oh awesome. I edited the lines as you recommended. It seems that it works as long as there is no Fed76 price. If there is then it ignores the weight value. I'm not sure if there is an easy way to add a column or maybe I would have to run the script without Fed76 pricing.
Yeah, there's few more places that would need to be edited to shift those columns to right... Here, I won't upload it on nexus since it's not localized:
06 July 2024, 7:29PM Yeah, there's few more places that would need to be edited to shift those columns to right... Here, I won't upload it on nexus since it's not localized:
Came here interested in this same subject matter. Can I bother you to refresh that expired link? Thanks!
Help: I got the following error and output file is only the items without prices PS C:\Users\ahmad\OneDrive\Desktop\InventOMatic-Parser-2285-1-3-5-1718651196> python -f itemsmod.ini -pc >> output.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\ahmad\OneDrive\Desktop\InventOMatic-Parser-2285-1-3-5-1718651196\", line 1618, in <module> main() File "C:\Users\ahmad\OneDrive\Desktop\InventOMatic-Parser-2285-1-3-5-1718651196\", line 1501, in main conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit_per_host=100, limit=0, ttl_dns_cache=300) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\ahmad\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 784, in __init__ super().__init__( File "C:\Users\ahmad\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 234, in __init__ loop = loop or asyncio.get_running_loop() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RuntimeError: no running event loop
Seems like it's new version of aiohttp, you'll have to downgrade to older version. Open command prompt (cmd) and run these 2 commands: pip uninstall aiohttp pip install aiohttp==3.9.5
It took me a bit of trouble shooting to get Invent O Matic up and running but this works perfectly! Importing all the data to a Google sheet and searching across all my mules. I keep tons of stuff because I'm new and learning the economy. Excellent work!!!!!
Hi, where can i get it? I have looked in the fallout 76 installation folder and in documents/my games/fallout 76 and I don't see it. Could you tell me where it should be?
I'm not involved in the topic of creating mods but I think I could help you with the translation if you need it, send me a DM and I'll add you to discord for example
Since it is not in English I had never used it but if by doing that I generate it, I am going to download it and install it so that it generates that file and so I can give it to you.
EDIT : oh wow, I think to generate the file I need SFE
Hello, I am trying to install it with the Spanish language, I am going through step 5 of the installation (run the script). I have sent the command: python --help Then I copied the itemsmod.ini file from the data folder and pasted it into the parser folder.
[ ] is for optional arguments, so [-l language=en] means default value for argument language is "en" - English, if you want to specify Spanish you would write something like this: python -f itemsmod.ini -l es
Yes, that looks right. Price checking currently can't be done on recipes/plans for languages other than English, only on weapons and armor. Plan and recipe database from which script fetches data is English only, and there are 1500+ plans
Could I get an excel instead of a txt so that it would look correctly? how would it be? and by the way, I don't know how to thank you for everything, you are a phenomenon!
EDIT : ok, copying the text from the .txt file and pasting it into an excel works. I imagine that you cannot directly obtain a Excel file, right?
Regarding the translation, it is almost perfect. The only thing I would change would be that the translation of "plan" (english word) is not "nota", it is "PLANO" (spanish word).
Nota is like something you write down so you don't forget it
1- leave it in "notas" like the translation that Bethesda did.
2- change it to its more correct name (Planos) but in the pipboy it would still appear as notes
I think it doesn't matter, you can leave it as it is now.
I'm not sure how the word "plan" works in English, but for me, the word "plano de fabricación" (manufacturing plan) encompasses recipes, weapons, maps, armor... anything you can create following written instructions.
Oh okay. As I understand it, plan is step-by-step guide for accomplishing something, in this game's case, how-to build something. Note is information written on paper, so any plan can be considered note. Well, at least in this game
-Oh okay. As I understand it, plan is step-by-step guide for accomplishing something.
In Spain we call this having a plan. (Tener un plan)
-in this game's case, how-to build something.
we call this "plano" with a "o". It is different from the word "plan".
-Note is information written on paper, so any plan can be considered note. Well, at least in this game.
Yes, except that I understand by note something written on a small piece of paper, an annotation, a short message. I'm using the help of a translator because my English is somewhat poor, so I don't know if I'm explaining myself well. The thing is, it doesn't matter. Bethesda puts it as a "NOTA" in the pipboy so it's the same. Thank you for your work!