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manson_ew2 MsZelia

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  1. HydrophoniK
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is it possible to make Invento work with symbols? A lot of the string modders use that biohazrd symbol ☣ to represent dev apparel so I thought I would try adding that symbol to the config but it did not work
    1. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      It works with symbols, you just have to find which symbol string mod uses for it. You can use xTranslator to load those strings and check.
  2. Nesishoot
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos

    I have a small issue when extracting my data in itemsmod. The "isLearnedRecipe" part doesn't seem to work with legendary mods. Is this normal, or is it only meant for weapons and armor, etc.?

    Thanks :)
    1. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      I might be wrong, but I think those are only for plans and recipes, for the (known) prefix. Who known anymore with bethesda...
    2. Nesishoot
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I see, thank you very much, no problem. ;-)
  3. BlackThenWhite
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Hey! I'm curious, is something like this possible for learned plans? If you have a mule that has every single learnable plan on it and start a trade with that mule, are you able to extract a list of plans that haven't been marked as learned?

    I created a website for users to track their plans, and being able to import a file like that would help users out immensely. :)
    1. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      You can extract all items while in trade menu, they have isLearnedRecipe property so it should be easy to sort or filter items by that parameter.
      If you're using CSV customFormat in extractConfig, just make sure to add "isLearnedRecipe" to "columns" list. If customFormat is disabled it will save all properties for all items in json format.
  4. suizhijian
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello MsZelia. Thank you for your mod. I like this mod very much. But I find a bug is that when you open workbench. You can scrap the first item(the top one) even you put the item in scrap protection . I try many times and I can sure scrap protect is working well. Because I can't scrap them just move my mouse from top item to other item and when i open scrap protect debug i can see the item is "XXX is protected:named". Please forgive my bad English. I am not a native English speaker.
    1. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      I'll look into it
    2. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      Was it tested with latest mod version, and was it with checkOnSelectionChange option?
      If it was with "checkOnSelectionChange": true, and the button wasn't disabled, there is also 2nd check done when item is clicked so did it actually scrap that item or was only the button shown as enabled?

      I tried recreating the bug but didn't get the same result as described.
    3. suizhijian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes. I use the latest version of Invent O Matic Stash (Unofficial) Update. And I also install SkipScrapComponentsView and SkipScrapLegendaryPremium. I try to recreating the bug in Customize world. I can scrap my Excavator power armor right arm. But cant scrap left arm. 
      I set 
      "scrapProtection": {
      "enabled": true,
      "favorite": true,
      "equipped": true,
      "named": true,
      "matchMode": "CONTAINS",
      "itemNames": ["Excavator", "Gatling plasma"]

      "scrapConfig": {
      "testRun": true,
      "name": "AutoScrap",
      "enabled": true,
      "debug": true,
      "showButton": true,
      "hotkey": 70,
      "maxItems": 100,
      "delay": 25,
      In my armor tab(also recreating in "new" tab). my Excavator power armor right arm in the top. I can scrap it by mouse left click. I open workbench and left click Excavator power armor right arm. it scraped. And then i try to left click Excavator power armor left arm. It be protect well. And nothing happen. then i press tab to close workbench. And I open workbench. This time I can scrap my Excavator power armor left arm.
    4. suizhijian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      "scrapProtection": {
      "enabled": true,
      "favorite": true,
      "equipped": true,
      "named": true,
      "matchMode": "CONTAINS",
      "itemNames": ["plasma","Excavator"]
      "scrapConfig": {
      "testRun": true,
      "name": "autoscrap",
      "enabled": true,
      "debug": true,
      "showButton": true,
      "hotkey": 70,
      "maxItems": 0,
      "delay": 250,
      "configs": [
      "enabled": true,
      "scrapFavorite": false,
      "scrapEquipped": false,
      "onlyLegendaries": true,
      "types": ["WEAPON", "ARMOR"],
      "matchMode": "CONTAINS",
      "excluded": ["plasma","Excavator"],
      "checkCharacterName": false,
      "characterName": "none",
      "checkAccountName": false,
      "accountName": "none"
      "enabled": true,
      "scrapFavorite": false,
      "scrapEquipped": false,
      "onlyLegendaries": false,
      "types": ["WEAPON", "ARMOR"],
      "matchMode": "CONTAINS",
      "excluded": ["Excavator","plasma"],
      "checkCharacterName": false,
      "characterName": "none",
      "checkAccountName": false,
      "accountName": "none"
      I tey to recreating the bug. In five miuntes ago. I can easily recreating the bug. Just stand in workbench press r and left click Excavator right arm.
      I press e to leave my power armor and press r to get my Excavator. then i open workbench. It scraped.
    5. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      Can you maybe take a screenshot of debug window when you open workbench?
      Or you can check if it says "items is protected/not protected" or does it just show nothing?
    6. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      For me it immediately shows "item is scrap protected"
    7. suizhijian
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      you can see 右臂 is right arm in english is  “not protect”  and 左臂 is left arm in english are protected。
    8. suizhijian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      when i scrap 右臂 right arm. 左臂  left arm can be scrap. 
    9. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      Okay, just to confirm: you have excavator in your language in itemNames and not in English?
      Something like this: "挖掘机"
    10. suizhijian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I use English. i search in fallout wiki and  i find it is Excavator power armor and i use contains and paste it with Excavator
    11. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      itemNames in config file should match your game language, it won't match if one has "excavator" and another has "挖掘机"
    12. suizhijian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      oki will change it to my language.i will test again.
    13. suizhijian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same result. i change Excavator to 挖掘机 then i can scrap top one and cant scrap other
    14. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      I don't know, I'll do more testing tomorrow
    15. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      Found what the issues is, fix will be included with next update.
    16. suizhijian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you MsZelia. ♥
  5. Sperkowitz
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for this mod. I just started playing a few months ago and recently realized I likely scrapped something in haste. I really appreciate the time and effort and love all the settings for the things this mod can do.
  6. ZOMGH4X
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Would it be possible to add a way to switch between character inventory and container using a keyboard instead of a mouse? For example, if I have an item from character inventory highlighted I would like to use the right arrow key to switch to container and the left arrow key to switch back. This is not about transferring items, just selecting/highlighting them.
    1. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      It probably would be possible.
  7. brinqteam
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, would version 2.3.6 or 2.3.4 be more compatible with the current PTS?
    1. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      2.3.6, latest non-pts game version has changes from pts applied
    2. brinqteam
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you :) I was having issues and thought reverting would help.
  8. bailey2205
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    @MsZelia could i get some help, i cant get the legendary tracking to work correctly, I can see that it is correctly tracking it in a file but it isn't showing the "learnable" or highlighting the legendary effect
    1. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      Is mod/config loaded successfully, do other features work?
      Is legendaryModsConfig enabled in config file?
      Try to change debug to true on top of config file, see if it prints out any error.
    2. bailey2205
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      other features do work
      when enabled there is no load message when entering the tinkers bench
      debug mode is enabled but shows no message when entering the tinkers table

      I am also using your improved workbench mod also if that makes any difference
    3. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      What does it show in debug window? Or does it not show it at all? Check config file validity
    4. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      Improved workbench is the one saving the data, so it is required for this feature, is it enabled there as well?
    5. bailey2205
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      im not quite sure what i have done but I have got it working, I must have not had both enabled at the same time, I didn't understand how the 2 mods worked together

      invent o matic - "legendaryModsConfig": {
      "enabled": true,

      improved workbench - "enableLegendaryModTracking": true,

      I think this is what I did thank you for the help
    6. bailey2205
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i restarted with both unedited configs to try to narrow it down all I did was change both of the lines like I mentioned in my last message from false to true and it has broken it again

      I have debug mode on and see no visible errors

      I see that it has loaded the legendary data but it isn't displaying it outside of debug
    7. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      Enable in both configs.
      Enter tinkerer's workbench to save data (check if itemsmod.ini file is created/updated) - need to wait for SFE update for saving data for now.
      Open stash/vendor/container and select any item to see which mods you have not learned yet.
  9. RizzlyBear028
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Are mod boxes not compatible with the mod? I added "MODS" to the "types:" and "Glutton" doesn't get transfered. I tried "★★Glutton" and neither 
    Edit: for "contains" they work, for "exact" what should I type in to be accurate?
    1. MsZelia
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      It should be "¬¬ Glutton"
    2. RizzlyBear028
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Fantastic. ty
  10. AffordablePrices
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I like writing idiot-resistant procedures, so here are concise, step-by-step instructions on how to use this mod to export your entire inventory to a human-readable spreadsheet:
    1) Install SFE. Specifically, place its DLL into the folder where Fallout 76 resides and NOT the Data sub-folder where all mods go. And keep SFE updated whenever two messages when starting Fallout 76 popup that it is outdated, after major game updates (like at the beginning of each season).
    2) Follow installation instructions. Specifically, place the two provided files into Data folder of Fallout 76 installation, and create (if does not exist) or edit the Fallout76Custom.ini file. Note: for XBOX for PC version of Fallout 76, the name of config file changes to Project76Custom.ini.
    3) With Notepad++ or another text editor, open inventOmaticStashConfig.json. Change
    "useCustomFormat": false,
    "useCustomFormat": true,
    4) Change
    "itemCardEntryDelayStep": 100,
    "itemCardEntryDelayStep": 300, as a precaution for slower computers, etc.
    5) Save changes and close config file.
    6) Login into game.
    7) View contents of your stashbox. While the instructions say "any container" in practice it is your stashbox that most people are interested in obtaining a listing of. On the bottom of your screen, a new entry called O) Export must appear. If it does not, go to Troubleshooting section.
    8) ***Select Inventory tab on the top instead of New tab***. Not doing this will cause player inventory to not be exported at all, or only a single item showing (usually the Vox rifle most players would get auto re-added on every logon).
    9) First read the instructions for the next step. Then press O key (unless changed in config) to start inventory listing creation process.
    10) IMPORTANT! Do NOT move your mouse or touch your keyboard until the process completes. You will see items from your inventory rapidly shown on screen. WAIT. Wait till a brief message appears on top left of your screen saying that the process completed. This process will take a relatively long time. If you see no changes for a minute (nothing new being shown on screen) it is possible that the game failed to show the completion message, but I would wait even more just to be safe.
    11) When you are absolutely sure that the process completed, open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data.
    12) Find a file called itemsmod.ini. Rename it to something much better, like FO76InventoryListingUsernameCharacterNameDate.csv (example: FO76InventoryListingAffordablePricesPlansMule20250112.csv).
    13) Open the CSV file with spreadsheet software such as LibreOffice Calc. Set field delimiter to ONLY be the semicolon. In Excel, set Delimited on first import dialog, then Semicolon.
    14) Select everything within spreadsheet (Ctrl+A).
    15) Sort spreadsheet by: range data includes headers, multilevel sort "source" column then "itemType" then "text".
    16) Make headers row 1 bold.
    17) Perhaps my import character encoding setting was incorrect, but I do not see appropriate symbols for legendary stars and Atomic symbol. Replace ¬ with ★, ¢ with ⚛. Be aware these are Unicode characters, if you want ASCII only type file use other characters.
    18) Apply all desired formatting/processing to resultant spreadsheet.
    19) Rename file if necessary and save resultant file as .ods or .xls or .xlsx
    20) Repeat for ammobox and scrapbox 7-17. The itemType is not listed correctly for Scrapbox or Ammobox, so manually change "stashInventory" column to "Scrapbox" for Scrapbox export and "Ammobox" for Ammobox export.
    21) Repeat for other characters 7-17.
    22) Repeat for other accounts 7-17.
    23) Combine the multiple spreadsheets into a single file if desired, and process the resultant combined file as needed.
    24) Donate to MsZelia. Don't be a penny-pinching freeloader.
    25) When fully done, I recommend temporarily disabling the mod or most of its auto-this and that features, because pressing a hotkey accidentally can have serious consequences if you are not properly using this powerful mod. An easy way to disable mod is to put a dash in front of mod name in Fallout76Custom.ini setting, or you can delete the entry for this mod on that line, or you can comment out that line if this is the only mod you use.

    Troubleshooting. O) Export does not appear:
    * SFC is not installed, its file was placed in wrong location, or SFC is outdated and must be updated for your version of the game (in which case, pop-up messages would appear during start of game).
    * This mod was not installed properly.
    * The Fallout76Custom.ini was not created or edited properly.
    * There is a problem with the .json configuration file (in which case there would be warning messages displayed in top left corner of screen in-game each time when looking at a container, anyways).
    * You are using XBOX for PC version of the game, in which case the name of the file is Project76Custom.ini instead of Fallout76Custom.ini.