i tried but i stil does not work i tried installing it twice i had to run it administrator because i hAVE IT THE PROGRAM FILES Or what ever because its on ubisoft connect
Start FC4ModInstaller.exe from the folder from step 3. It will validate your game install and list the available mod packages.
In the Mod Installed, click (or press spacebar) on my Steve64b Editormod for Far Cry 4 package, such that the package gets a checkmark ✓ behind it. Then press W to install.
Exit the Mod Installed, and run the Far Cry 4 Map Editor. it will have additional objects listed in the Object tool.
If that doesn't work, usually either Mod Installer or Windows would have popped up a message box explaining the error. If not, find the logs folder in folder from step 3, and check the logfile to see what went wrong.
it says: The files in this section are for reference only and are no longer supported by the mod author. Please ensure you are using the latest version before asking for support with this mod.
Not without getting the source code from Ubisoft and reworking the Dunia engine.
Maybe now that Far Cry 7 is rumored to ditch Dunia, Ubisoft might be willing to throw modders a bone to create community patches for their games. But I doubt that will happen.
Nice functions i must say, especially those that add sound effects for certain areas or music for the whole map. Sadly tho, im still missing some useful features that neither the predators mod (whytesharks) has. The most important things for me that are missing are snow/ice blocks, they are present in valley of the yetis dlc and also in himalayan missions in base game (the syringe), also falling icicles, frozen ponds (frozen water) and bt transmitter are missing :( Would be great if you could update this mod with this stuff. Its really hard to make a proper himalyan stuff when you have to build from the same stuff because almost half of the himalayan stuff isnt present in that damn editor, i also have suspicion that some snow covered rock formations are missing (death from above - wingsuit part).
Unfortunately, not all assets available in the DLC and main campaign can be brought into a pure editormod. The community maps game mode only loads a restricted set of assets from the multicommon.dat and patch.dat files. So assets from DLC's (like the falling icicles and the Yeti) are not available in published community maps, unless all required dependencies are in either the multicommon or patch file.
For example, the Yeti model and skin was updated in a patch. But its core AI and animations weren't. That's why I can display a Yeti model mesh in the editor, but it won't have AI and won't animate.
Hello IDK if im dumb or what, but WHERE IN THE HELL SHOULD I EXTRACT THIS MOD? I triend in win 32 nothing, tried in main nothing, tried in bin nothing where do i need to install this???? Or i need that fino fc 4 mod loader or what help pls.
If you downloaded the a3 package, it's for the Far Cry 4 Mod Installer. Download the Mod Installer from https://downloads.fcmodding.com/fc4/mod-installer/
Extract the Mod Installer into a folder outside your game folder, and then put my a3 package in the ModInstaller's ModifiedFiles subfolder.
Run the Mod Installer, check my package and press W to "W"rite the mod to your game.
Idk why but when I try to extract the file it sends me an error message "Unexpected end of archive" and I cant add it to far cry 4 does anyone know how to fix this?
The instruction is likely mentioned at the bottom of the Mod Installer's window.
If that doesn't work, usually either Mod Installer or Windows would have popped up a message box explaining the error. If not, find the logs folder in folder from step 3, and check the logfile to see what went wrong.
Maybe you have a freak game version, they'd need to add support for it. Is it a Steam release, or Ubisoft Connect?
Maybe now that Far Cry 7 is rumored to ditch Dunia, Ubisoft might be willing to throw modders a bone to create community patches for their games. But I doubt that will happen.
For example, the Yeti model and skin was updated in a patch. But its core AI and animations weren't. That's why I can display a Yeti model mesh in the editor, but it won't have AI and won't animate.
Extract the Mod Installer into a folder outside your game folder, and then put my a3 package in the ModInstaller's ModifiedFiles subfolder.
Run the Mod Installer, check my package and press W to "W"rite the mod to your game.