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About this mod

Shouldn't prehistoric earth be a verdant paradise? Finally see real green grass and true blue skies with this vibrant preset. Drastically altered tint/colour balance/saturation to negate the muddy red filter that washes out all the colours in vanilla combined with subtle contrast, bloom, and sharpness effects for a lush and vivid experience.

Permissions and credits


Install ReShade to your /Far Cry Primal/bin/ directory.  Choose DirectX 10+ during installation and install the default shaders.  Extract GaiaReshade.ini from this download to your /Far Cry Primal/bin/ directory.  


In game, hit Shift + F2 (or the Home key in later Reshade versions) to open ReShade and choose the ini from the dropdown list in the Home pane, you can also edit the shaders in this pane if you want.  Scroll Lock (default) to turn ReShade on/off.

Thanks to crosire for ReShade!