i've played it through once on xbox,.. second time on an older pc. am now playing on a high-end rig WITH gaia. using this reshade with windows 11 auto hdr looks flippin awesome. thank you byronic
Reshade is only allowing me to download Directx 9? What do i do
Looks stunning. My Asus Rog RTX 3080 10GB and I9 9900KS capable to run it at ultra 4k 120hz. About 8-12 fps dropped down, but it's over 60 anyway, and it's the only matters. Amazing work, thank you.
looks way better than the usual crappy reshades, but still makes the game look generic and soulless. not bad though!
Unfortunately reshade menu is not opening, I've tried to change the key mapping and not working either. I have Ubisoft Connect, I installed newest Reshade to the bin_plus folder. Can you help me?
EDIT: Searched online and found out that if you dont get a mouse when hitting HOME you go and change REFRESH RATE of your monitor in the game to anything other than native. I have normally 60hz so i changed to 50hz and now i get a mouse i can use in the ReShade HOME menu.
When hitting HOME in this game my mouse is not coming out. Thus i cant do anything in the HOME menu. Any idea how i can get my mouse out or how to navigate the ReShade menu without it? Thanks. -
5 years later and it's still one of the best reshades I've seen on nexus. Changes the look of the game drastically. I don't know what developers were thinking when they implemented their brown filter into the game
Really struggling to make this work as a Reshade noob. As the comments said, I made sure to install Reshade 5 with all the suggested shaders, but all that does is give me a massive list of unchecked options to check off in-game. Some of the settings I'm sure aren't meant to be used because all they do is make a distorted vortex or add scan lines, or outright make the screen black. Hitting Scroll Lock changes nothing, so I'm assuming at least some of these settings are meant to be checked off, but there's like 80 and I have no idea which ones. The preset isn't deciding which ones it needs even though I've selected the Gaia .ini file. Uninstalled/removed all related Reshade folders and reinstalled, same issues.
As gorgeous as the photos look, I really wish it had a better/easier way to install like others I've seen here. -
This works just fine with the latest Reshade 5.+
Reshade is installed, the menu comes up everything. But no change with the look of the game. Still the same default muddy mess at ultra settings. I hit Scroll Lock and nothing changes. That ini file is selected it is the only file available in the reshade menu. What am I doing wrong here?
It never gave me that option, where do i get the prompt to "install"? I put it into the bin file, then it said "working on far cry primal" and then it said "installed successfully!" then had me do that tutorial. now theres just a dos looking thing on the left, I selected that ini file on the top of it. But that's all there is to it. Theres a bunch of other menus that are all greek to me.
I think I need a step by step explanation of how to do this entire process from the beginning. The only instructions Ive seen were to put the file into the bin file.
just noticed dudes post below saying he put it in bin plus folder not bin folder, maybe thats the issue with this new ubisoft stuff
Ok i did what he recommended, then there was a list and everythign was checkmarked. so I executed. Then it went through something and said "Successful!" Now when I am in game, nothing changes when I hit Scroll Lock. Game still looks the same. Very washed out and hazy
Awww God, here we go. I upaded it to 4.9 version, checked every single reshader, installed successfully, now keyboard and mouse have no function in game. lol
sorry for all the posts, i finally got it working and now everything is there and tinkering with it. It looks better than original game, but something is wrong, the colors are all oversaturated doesnt look like the screenshots posted above. I have to mess with it i guess to find that look
I put in about 2 hours today so I'll get back to it tomorrow. It is all like a puke green color and extreme saturation pitch black shadows, I have no Idea how I could ever achieve the screenshots above with the sheer amount of variables involved.
How do you apply the preset? I have that gia reshade up there in the top slot