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About this mod

This animation set changes all of the Male Miqo'te specific idle animations to one with a more lively tail and wiggling ears.

Permissions and credits
The full set of these mods are as follows!
Male Miqo'te Groundsit Animation Pack
Male Miqo'te Chairsit Ear Wiggling and Tail Swaying Animation Pack
Male Miqo'te Idle and Movement Animation Changes
If you'd like to support my venue at all feel free to join my venue discord here https://discord.gg/h48mmxkSea
The venue itself is based on Aether if you ever want to visit and we offer our public syncshell (mare) on the discord if you
validate your name on it!
I like seeing people's mods and such so its nice seeing people visit

Decided to make bunch of idles for male miqo'te to have their tails upright and swaying with a little bit of ear wiggle as well.

Links for easier finding of IVCS here
You can get IVCS here though you'll need to follow the guide...
Right here to get all that stuff done.

It no longer needs IVCS for ear wiggles but I'll keep the links here because the mod itself is still a good idea! Though the base idle does require it still...

I did additional testing so there's a special flip addition in the movement folder. Its not the prettiest but I thought it'd at least be fun to have.

P.S. If you want to help support the venue I own as well and also have access to all my mods on a discord channel feel free to come over to (HACKED ATM) DO NOTE YOU WILL HAVE TO VALIDATE YOUR NAME ON THE DISCORD IN ORDER TO SEE THE MOD LIST

P.S.S. ALSO if you want to follow me on twitter where I mostly post progress on mods then...well click here

Also...um... Ko-Fi cause people told me to put it here...