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  1. Conra789
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Ah such a shame that this mod doesn't have up to date instructions, I'm sure if I researched deeply I could get it to work to see if I liked it, but as it stands, if you've already installed Reshade and Special K, it's going to be hard to implement.

    Main issue is you've already put in a dxgi.dll file, and probably renamed a SpecialK64 one back and forth, so adding a 3rd one now, what's that going to do? Will it get rid of Special K working? Probably?

    the dxgi.ini file has parameters not in the main dxgi.ini file, as well, and how it hooks to the Pure Light.ini, I have no idea as it's not referenced, seemingly.
  2. VoughtsHeroHomelander
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Does this work with luminance or hdr?
  3. Pantreus
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    The way the FPS tanks unfortunately makes this largely unusable for me. Things are usually fine, but at seemingly-random times my FPS will drop to 7-8 and stay there for a while and then recover. I thought maybe it was only happening when switching between day and night cycles, but it just happened 2 or 3 times during a battle as well. It doesn't happen constantly, but often enough that I had to give up on it.
    The reshade is overall pretty neat. Personally, I find it to be too blue, which I did gather from the sample video but I wanted to try it out for myself. Some things are certainly enhanced and appear to be more true-to-life, but other things don't look too good IMO. I suppose that's just the nature of a reshade though.
    Although it may not be to my taste, you did a great job and I commend you for your efforts.
  4. izayoii345343
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    night in this game already really dark without this mod, i cant even see any object at night, how to make it brighter? 
  5. VentusNX
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    sadly i cant use the reshade with the special k mod but it looks amazing i wish there was a way to use both
    1. ragekillerz
      • member
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      what you could do, is take note of the shaders used and there settings, then install the latest version of reshade activating the same shaders with those settings.  then you could use it with  special K.  latest version of Reshade now works with SK.
  6. deleted8935656
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Did not work for me. Might be outdated. 
  7. johndujo
    • member
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    I've found that this mod was really confusing to install, and I could not figure out some clear instructions on how to make it work.  Perhaps a full change to the instructions is needed and an update to all of the files required as well.  Also I noticed there were a lot of conflicts that this mod caused with other mods, so some more clarification on what this mod is and is not compatible with is needed as well. 
  8. Narkanin
    • member
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    Idk if anyone is still monitoring this page, but I have a question. I install reshade with just the basic pack and then I extract pure light into the ffXV folder and it asks if I want to replace the reshade file and I say yes and then when I start the game I get a reshade error log. Am I supposed to rename the pure light files? Or am I doing something wrong?
    1. Narkanin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Solved it. If anyone has this issue, just install Reshade with the legacy pack which I think contains all the used effets (or you can hand pick the ones used by following this link ). Once that's done, do NOT extract all the content from the pure light file, only extract the PureLight.ini file and it should start up fine.
  9. silencer711
    • premium
    • 96 kudos
    Thank you so much for this mod, Urquath! — I use it personally and have featured it in my new guide:

    Your hard work and attention to detail is worthy of a Kudo and my full Endorsement.

    Very Respectfully,
    ~ S I L E N C E R
  10. nickdavid6
    • supporter
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    using this mod in march 2020 and it's really beautiful if im in a hectic battle and my fps tanks i just switch it off with the scr lk key until the battle is over then turn it back on. super easy. thank you!