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  1. LochStarkiller
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How to Toggle Freecam
    Once in-game, press ~ to open the console. Type toggledebugcamera, then press Enter to enable the freecam; repeat to disable it.
    1. emoose
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      2.1 should also allow it to work with M+KB too
    2. tigersynth51
      • member
      • 45 kudos
      where can i find all command list?
    3. CryonicTwo3
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      is there a console command to hide all hud?
    4. TalonRahl
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Also would love a full command list
    5. ZittoeSubisci
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i even saw the troubleshooting guide but i can't open the console, why?

    6. TheLegendOfLame
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      In theory you could go into photo mode and then hide hud and party members if you wanted to
    7. izzatMunir90
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      i can't open console. what did i do wrong?

      Edit: just saw troubleshooting. it works now
    8. gemGreg
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yup. This is what I am doing.
      1. Find a nice moment during cutscene.
      2. Press ESC and then G for photo mode
      3. Press R to hide UI
      4. Open dev console and actuvate free cam. :)
      5. Make a photo / photos.
      6. Deactivate free cam (importat before you leave photo mode. I messed up camera position once leaving this on)
      7. leave photo mode.
    9. tamk6661
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Excuse my stupidity, is there a way to move the free cam like rotate, forwards, backwards etc, I tried with the obvious WASD but that moves the characters in game! thanks :D
    10. emoose
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      >Excuse my stupidity, is there a way to move the free cam like rotate, forwards, backwards etc, I tried with the obvious WASD but that moves the characters in game! thanks :D

      Are you on latest ffviihook? the v2.1 build should have allowed it during ToggleDebugCamera, if you're using a diff command to enter it that fix might not work though.
    11. nincube8
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos

      • god: Prevents you from taking any damage.
      • allammo: Gives 999 ammo units for every currently carried weapon.
      • fly: Enables flight mode around the map.
      • ghost: Allows flying and walking through walls.
      • walk: Returns you to normal walking mode from ghost or fly modes.
      • addbots : Adds the specified number of bots (AI players).
      • killpawns: Removes everyone but you from the game.
      • killpawnsbot: Removes every bot from the game.
      • killall : Removes all items of the indicated type.
      • slomo <1.0 … 10.0>: Slows down or speeds up the game (default 1.0).
      • open : Opens the specified map.
      • playersonly: Stops time for everyone but you.
      • behindview <0/1>: Toggles between first (0) and third (1) person view.
      • summon : Instantly spawns an item in front of the player.
      • demorec : Records the current gameplay to a .dem file.
      • demoplay : Replays a demo file in spectator mode.
      • stopdemo: Stops recording the current demo.
      • suicide: Instantly kills the player.
      • amphibious: Prevents death by drowning.
      • feigndeath: Plays dead.
      • flush: Flushes the texture cache.
      • pause: Pauses the game.
      • preferences: Changes to windowed mode and opens advanced preferences.
      • say : Broadcasts the message to all players.
    12. Krono89
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Literally none of these commands work, why post them?
    13. TheGaymer
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Ultrawide 21:9 ?
  2. TheGaymer
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Ultrawide 21:9 ?
  3. ownerer78
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone have a list of possible consoles commands for rebirth?
  4. Skagbone
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Any way to disable the world intel icons on the map so that you have to explore to find them?
  5. RenzoFlame
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! I have an issue reading the file Engine.ini

    As you can see in the following screenshot, "r.NT.Lens.ChromaticAberration.Intensity" is set in the file but it's not found by console:

    The file path is correct:

    Same happens with others like "r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed": console says is set to 500 by Scalability, although I have it as 8192 in the Engine.ini file (I checked the Scalability.ini file but it was empty)
    1. emoose
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      Make sure the values are inside [ConsoleVariables] section in the INI, looks like there's no sections in the pic.

      If console says command not recognized the game probably doesn't include that cvar, or it might be under a different name, UE4 normally has chromatic aberration under r.SceneColorFringe.Max but not sure if that actually takes effect in rebirth.
  6. Titan4K120
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Are there any console commands to fix the terrible sound quality?

    This is the second time I'm asking
    1. alerion11
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You know you can download equalizer APO and then make your own profile there if you want more bass , mids , treble or V sound signature ETC. It's literally free also download peace gui if you want it to have more friendly UI.
    2. GosuDRM
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah but there's an easy way au.Dialogue.VolumeMultiplier=2.0 but I doubt it will work because of SE locked the s#*! out of the cvars
    3. Titan4K120
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm mostly referring to the audio quality of sound effects specifically while in combat. SFX sound super flat.
  7. Phadeds
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    There are times in the game when it fades to black, i've seen videos floating around where that fade to black is not present, how do you turn it off, is there something in the .ini file that can do that?
  8. ongball
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey, so I was able to have this hook work flawlessly with Remake when I played that, but for some reason the hook doesn't take any of the settings within the engine.ini unless I input them into the console manually. I have all the files in the correct directories but it refuses to work. As I mentioned remake worked perfectly fine with it's own hook. (Please help I am begging)
  9. Jesulio
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, when i install this mod, the game doesn't let me save anymore, if i progress, i will lose after i reopen the game. Can someone help me?
    1. ruito311
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am experiencing the same issue. Could it be because the platform is Steam?
      I would appreciate it if you could help resolve this problem.
  10. MimosaSTG
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    It's hilarious seeing people offer these .ini files on here where they throw everything in there plus the kitchen sink and 95% of the vars inside of them do absolutely nothing. 
    1. GosuDRM
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah. this guy deleting comments if you tell a bad thing about his mod Fantasy Optimizer at Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Nexus - Mods and community lol
  11. gwdc1234
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey guys,

    I am playing the game via Epic Games Store facing difficulties getting the FF7Hook to load.

    I have the files in the proper directories.
    Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Input.ini
    file inside End\Binaries\Win64\

    I checked the troubleshooting guide and tried all other files names, none works ( winmm.dll / d3d9.dll / d3d11.dll, dxgi.dll)

    I can´t enable the hook in game using ~ or ' or other keys which I added in the Engine.ini file via :


    Any other idea´s someone ?

    My GPU is a AMD RX 6800 XT

    Thanks a lot !!!
    1. emoose
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      Add the input/consolekeys line to input.ini instead of engine.ini, maybe will let it work
    2. gwdc1234
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Holy s#*! it worked Emoose, thanks so much sir !!!!!!!!