This mod is a work in progress debug menu, being built from scratch for FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth. It currently contains many functions to tweak the game to do different things.
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Version 1.75
Restore Attack In Field Flag On Close has been added in Menu Settings
The Attack in Field Flag now restores when the menu is closed by default. This can be disabled in Menu Settings.
Fixed an issue where effects could not be removed from enemies.
Version 1.51
An issue where the player would constantly receive default status effects has been set to None. Set the effects you want to save in the settings Menu
A new toggle button has been displayed in the settings Menu. Press End or Numpad / to toggle between Cloud and your preference of last character or saved character
Version 1.7
Enable/Disable Buggy has been added to the Story Flag Menu
Disable/Enable Chadley has been added to the Story Flag Menu.
Controller Hotkey has been reintroduced as a toggle in Menu Settings (Off by default so that it no longer conflicts with other controls)
A reminder of your selected hotkey has been added at 5 minute intervals in case you forget which button you assigned to it.
The trigger key is now changeable between Hypen, 0 (Zero), and Numpad - (Minus)
Enabling Chapter Select in the Story Flags menu allows you to select Hard Mode on any chapter, even from a first playthough.
Version 1.5
Show Story Flag menu has been added
Disable Chadley has been added in Story Flag menu
Force Enable Fast Travel has been added in Story Flag menu (Breaks BGM)
Disable Field Attack has been added in Story Flag menu (Stops player from accidentally attacking outside of battle)
Force Enable/Disable Chapter select has been added in Story Flag menu
Skip Zack's Story has been added in Story Flag menu
Menu Settings have been added to the main menu
Set Saved Party Member has been added to the Menu Settings menu
You are now able to save 2 status effects that will be automatically applied in battle, and forced on, even when removed in game.
You can now toggle between Cloud, and another party member of your choosing, using a toggle in Menu Settings. Disabling this toggle, allows the game to follow your party switch behavior. Toggle button will auto switch between Cloud and the last party member you last controlled.
Version 1.3
Yuffie has been added to Battle Talk
Cait Sith has been added to Battle Talk
Sephiroth has been added to Battle Talk
Red XIII has been added to Battle Talk
Warning message has been placed when putting Cid in the party.
Warning message has been placed when putting Vincent in the party.
Warning message has been placed when putting Zack in the party.
Warning message has been placed when putting Sephiroth in the party.
Controller Hotkey has been removed due to conflict with gameplay elements
Version 1.2
Party Management has been enabled
Party Switcher has been enabled
Warnings have been placed in areas of the menu that may contain unwanted, or unstable behavior up to, and including, game crashes.
Functionality with potentially unstable behavior has been reduced.
Modify Stats Menu has been disabled due to issues in functionality.
No donations accepted
This mod is a work in progress debug menu, being built from scratch for FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth. It currently contains many functions to tweak the game to do different things. It's able to manually apply/remove status effects from the player and enemies, as well as play voicelines from battle, outside of battle. It currently has party control switching functionality, as well as party management features. There is a debug widget you can also open to view party information, location, and more. Currently BGM playback control is in progress, so it is not included in this version.
For this mod, you will need to install UE4SS, and make sure it's working. Once it is, you can place the 3 files into the LogicMods folder at End\Content\Paks\LogicMods
Then launch the game. To bring up the menu, please use Hyphen/Dash (-) by default. You are able to change what key activates it out of 3. You can change it to 0 (Top row 0 on keyboard), or Numpad - (minus). This setting does not save (as of yet) so you will need to use Hyphen at least once to change the setting each time you load up the game. From there, you have many different functions to choose from.
Structure is as follows:
Main Menu - Party Control Switcher - Battle Options -Party Status Effects -Apply Status -Remove Status -Enemy Status Effects -Apply Status -Remove Status -Enable Game Over -Disable Game Over -Battle Talk -Select Character -Select battle voice line to play (more will be added) -Party Management -Audio/Video Options -Stop All BGM -Modify Stats (Disabled Currently) -HP -MP -Limit -Motion Options -Force Idle -Force Walk -Force Fast Walk -Force Jog -Force Max -Story Flags -Choose Story Flag to activate -Show/Hide Debug Widget (Brings up a side widget with various debug information. -Credits/Known/Bugs/Updates -Updates -Exit
This version serves a sort of demo for more of what I want it to be able to do. The full version will be over on Non-obligatory Patreon, as it is an extensive mod requiring a lot of work to create and stabilize (reduce crashing as much as possible).