This is a simple mod that changes the success chance to hack any machine to 100%. The skill felt very frustrating when trying to hack, failing and then having to wait 60 seconds to try again so this should fix that.
Isn't it kinda broken now?
Maybe. Being able to consistently take a machine out of the fight for 40 seconds every 60 seconds is pretty strong. With the Hacker skill it could also provide a lot of damage and distract a whole group however the hacked AI is still pretty shit and doesn't do much damage to it's former allies or spends most of the time it's hacked staring into space into space.
So yeah it's kinda broken. I'll look into rebalancing the hack duration and cooldown in the future to make it a little less broken. Maybe 60 seconds duration but 2 min cooldown?
Why is it 256 MB?
AFAIK the way the game engine works requires that all data related to a robot be repackaged in order to be loaded correctly. So even though I've only changed a couple settings you need to override all of the models and animations ect. If I'm wrong about this please let me know and I'll make a smaller version. There is also a .7z version that is "only" 104 MB if you have 7zip.
Can I use this with anything other than version 1858983 of Generation Zero?
What an oddly specific question. I wouldn't recommend it. Due to the above, the whole robot entity being overwritten by this mod, it would probably conflict with any update that changes the enemies in anyway. You can do it but when it doesn't work don't blame me. Hell even if this doesn't work with the correct version I'm not taking any responsibility ?
How do I install it?
Follow the installation instructions on the wiki: