File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

zlRafa Irmandade Ghost

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About this mod

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Before installing any mod download the Pre September patch here:
Without this patch, some mods will not work and your game will crash.


I tried to make it as similar as possible to the Ghost mask, but I liked it, I hope you like it too.

I recommend using the Kamy face or you can use the 'Reese face mod' which will look even better, that's what I used in the pictures.

Reese face Download  by Boris4774

Replaces: Skull Balaclava, Warpaint black paint G and Kryptek Typhon camo.
Use warpaint and mask together.
Installation tutorial:
  • Download and install AnvilToolkit.
  • Set up Anvil Toolkit, disable the use of compression in Settings->Files and set compression ratio to 0.
  • Unpack DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge
  • Open Extracted folder in your GRB directory and open the DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge folder and create a folder named Extracted.
  • Copy the .data files into the Extracted folder (DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge/Extracted). Using anviltoolkit select all files, right-click and repack. 
  • Go back by clicking twice on the arrow pointing up 
  • Right-click the DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge folder, and select "Repack" - you should see the message
    Successfully written forge file!

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