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About this mod

Adds two weapon camo replacers for AK's using the 74 and 112 mags

Permissions and credits
Adds two weapon camo replacers for AK's using the 74 and 112 mags

URBAN ERDL (WEAPON CAMO ONLY)=Bakelite Plum (Eat this!) Translation from Russian
MULTICAM(WEAPON CAMO ONLY)=Optional wood texture for AK74 stock

Install is easy. Just drop files in DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge and repack
File Swap Tutorial Only

File Swap Tutorial Only
  • Download and install AnvilToolkit.
  • Set up Anvil Toolkit, disable the use of compression in Settings->Files and set compression ratio to 0.
  • Unpack DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge
  • Open Extracted folder in your GRB directory and open the DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge folder.
  • Copy the .data folders into the DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge/Extracted subfolder. If the Extracted subfolder doesn’t exist, create it. Your file path should look like Extracted/DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge/Extracted/(your mod folders here)
  • Select the added folders in AnvilToolkit, right-click, and select "Repack" - you should see the message
     Finished repacking data files | Successful: NN | Failed: 0
  • Head back up to the top-level Extracted folder in AnvilToolkit and click on DataPC_Resources_patch_01.forge
  • Right-click the folder, and select "Repack" - you should see the message
    Successfully written forge file!
  • After it's done repacking, you can delete the Extracted folder if you so desire. I don't recommend it, though, since there'll be more mods like this to come, and you'll probably want to install them!