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About this mod

Critical gear has been included in supply drops. Happy hunting Ghosts

Permissions and credits
"Nomad, it's Mitchell"

"We've managed to bypass the drone swarm with some supply drops containing some well earned gear. Find and retrieve these drops"

"Happy hunting"

"Ghost Actual out"

Get the raid gear from the comfort of the Auroan archipelago by finding and looting tactical caches.

Simply pick the class for the gear you want, install the correct file, and happy hunting. The gear won't be in EVERY cache, but it could be in ANY cache.

(Default/backup file is also included if you ever want to go back)

What This Mod Does:

Gives raid class gear drops by finding and looting tactical caches in the wild. Duplicates are to be expected
Class gear sets are selectable and are not dependent on player's current selected class

What This Mod Does Not Do:

Give rewards above 250 gear score
Only give 1 of any particular piece. Expect duplicates. 

Installation Tutorial
  • Download and install AnvilToolkit.
  • Set up Anvil Toolkit, disable the use of compression in Settings->Files and set compression ratio to 0.
  • Unpack DataPC_patch_01.forge
  • Open Extracted folder in your GRB directory and open the DataPC_patch_01.forge folder.
  • Unpack 1_-_DBContainerEntry_0X....... (should be near the top). This may take a few minutes, its a big file
  • Copy the desired class loot table for the gear you want from the mod download into the new unpacked DBContainerEntry folder.
  • Select the DBContainer folder in AnvilToolkit, right-click, and select "Repack" - you should see the message (This may take a few minutes. Be patient) 
    Finished repacking data file | Successful: 01 | Failed: 0
  • Head back up to the top-level Extracted folder in AnvilToolkit and click on DataPC_patch_01.forge
  • Right-click the folder, and select "Repack" - you should see the message
    Successfully written forge file!
  • After it's done repacking, launcher the game
  • Profit