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  1. SpudmanWP
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    This can work in Vortex by changing the ModType to "Engine Injector" and then putting the Mod Staging files in a "boot\data\video\" folder.
  2. Stikyhooves
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Working great and is a simple solution. - Thanks!
  3. PurpleHazeDude
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I really like the idea behind this mod but for some reason its not working as it should.
    I replaced the vids (without making safety copies sadly) like the discription said but now it takes even longer to load.
    I see the logos for only 1 sec but the black window between them hasnt changed and after that it takes up to 5 seconds before the main menu starts
    My PC is still fairly new

    Can i just delete the game and install it again from steam to set it back how it was and what will happen to my saves if i do that?
    thanks in advance
    1. Zivers
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Yes, same here, Notion working, just see black screen for 15 sec instead of logos
  4. VisigothXXX
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    -Edit- D'oh!... just noticed the comment about "Does NOT work with vortex / NMM." Why the hell would you set it up to download with Vortex if it doesn't work? well that was a an hour waisted... T_T Thanks for that /s
    :/ I like the idea of this mod... but for some reason I can't get it to work... it's not the only one I can't get to work T_T (it must be conflicting with one of the other mods I'm running, I unziped all the mod files and looked for duplicate files and there weren't any that I could see... So I don't know what it is, Vortex is new to me).
    I'm running:

    Merchants Sell Memory Crystals (doesn't seem to be working either, but I haven't left the island yet; so that might be the reason)
    Skip starting Logo screens
    Absolutely Cheap Equipment (working)
    Unlocked Skill Tree (not working either T_T)
    Camera overhaul (works)
    OMG XP (seems to work)
    Easy Increase reputation (I think it's working)
    Modding tutorial and all items in shops. (works)
    More Carry Weight mod (works)
    Remove Brown Filter (works)
    1. Hathur
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I don't know how to setup the page to only allow manual downloads, hence why I put a disclaimer in description that you need to manual install and not use vortex or nmm.

      If you followed the directions it should work regardless of any mods, it literally just replaces the game's intro videos (mp4 files, a super common video format) with a 1 second long black screen video.
    2. SarthesArai
      • premium
      • 240 kudos
      When editing file details, there's a "Remove the 'Download with manager' button" checkbox at the bottom.
  5. Rhizanthys
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for this mate.. <3
  6. Spell3ound
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    works like a charm... thanks for this.......Wouldn't mind seeing a little bit of the logo though instead of 17 seconds..can you make it like...5 seconds? :P
  7. bbrrggillespie
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Excellent solution, man. Thank you.
  8. snoogans20
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for this. The other blank ones would always crash for me but these ones work great.