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About this mod

This is a port of the M6G magnum from Halo Reach into Halo 3. Included is the base weapon tag, and an alternate FP and 3P model with a different set of shaders more inspired by Halo 3.

Permissions and credits
This is a port of the M6G magnum from Halo Reach into Halo 3. Included is the base weapon tag, and an alternate FP and 3P model with a different set of shaders more inspired by Halo 3.

drag the dw3 folder in the H3EK root tags folder.

weapon tag is located in dw3\objects\weapons\pistols\magnum\hr\reach_magnum.weapon

alternate shadered models are located in dw3\objects\weapons\pistols\magnum\hr\alt

Sean T - Port to Halo 3, polish
AI - Assistance with animation extraction
TheChunkierBean & LudusRegard - Shader assistance
Vengeful Vadam - Testing
LaikaGlove & TheGuardians - Bonono & TagTool
Gravemind - Reclaimer