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About this mod

In this Loyalist campaign mod you play as a Brute Captain tasked with hunting down the fleeing Elite Councilors. You'll face ferocious Elite forces and uncover their secret ally.
This mod is only for the mission "The Great Journey", I'm planning on making more Loyalist mods for other missions depending on what people want.

Permissions and credits
The Loyalist Great Journey

This is a complete overhaul for the mission "The Great Journey", this mod changes all enemy and ally encounters and the player character.

For a complete list of changes, press here!

This video is a complete playthrough of the mission, check it out if you want to see what you're getting into.

This mod is perfectly playable in co-op. You can play this in both Anniversary and Classic graphics. Anniversary has some visual issues such as Brute Captains/Honour Guards flags disappear and the Phantom explosion doesn't appear.

1. Back up all your vanilla Halo 2 maps in a secure location. They are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Halo The Master Chief Collection\halo2\h2_maps_win64_dx11

2. Move the modded into your Halo 2 maps folder and let it replace the original.

3. Run Masterchief Collection with anti-cheat disabled.

4. Have fun!


Special thanks to the following people:

Byzantine is Roman - for destroyable phantoms and explosion effects
Steven - for testing the mod in co-op with me and putting up with annoying Boss battle breaking bugs
Toraburu - for working health bar