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About this mod

This is a SFX patch for Eagle Strafing Run using SFX from A10 Thunderbolt II.

Permissions and credits
## Introduction

- As the mod title is suggested.

## Known Issues

- When there are a lot of sounds playing at the same time, there's a very high
chance of which the SFX is completely nonfunctional. This is a known issue
for Helldivers 2, even for vanilla game SFX.

## Back Log

- Maybe overhaul some of the eagle stratagems.

## Update Log

### 0.1.6

- Hot fixes for the new update.
- SFX will no longer skip for regular strafing and eagle storm (No way you're throwing more than 20 eagle strafing run at the same time)

### 0.1.5

- Update to the newest version of manifest. There's no need to manually unzip and add individual zip in the MM.

### 0.1.4

- The GAU-8 delay firing sound should always play now.

### 0.1.3

- Two variants for the delay sound of GAU-8 firing
  - Early version, play the delay sound right after the end of impact
  - Late version, play the delay sound few millisecond after the end of impact
- Make it compatible for Mod Manger

## Installation

### Mod Manager

- This mod is compatible with Mod Manager. Check usage page for Mod Manager.

### Manual

#### Locate Game Data Directory For Helldivers 2

To install this mod, following the below instructions:
1. Download the mod in here (Nexus)
2. Locate your game data directory for Helldivers 2.
  a. You can open your Steam client, click on "Library" tab to go to "Library" page.
  b. Locate and select Helldivers 2 from all games you have, displayed in the left menu
  c. Right click on the entry you selected, click on "Properties" in the pop up menu
  d. Click on "Installed Files" in the window just open
  e. Click on "Browse", this will open up File Explorer at the location of Helldivers 2
  game directory in your PC
    - For example, D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Helldivers 2.
4. Click and open the "data" folder
  - For example, D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Helldivers 2\data

#### Apply Patches

- All patch files are organized by directories based on the name of a weapon / stratagem
as well as the name of variants if I made variants SFX for a weapon / stratagem.
- Go into each individual directory to locate patch files. Each patch file has a file
extension of `.patch`.
- To applying patches, copy and paste patch files into your game directory for Helldivers 2.
- If your OS warns you of overwriting existing files because there are patch files that
has the same name, follow the following instruction base on the following example
  - Let say you already have a patch file in your game data directory for Helldiver 2,
  called "adjudicator.patch_0".
  - And, you have another patch file you want to apply but it also named "adjudicator.patch_0" .
  - Before copying and pasting, rename the patch file you want to apply to "adjudicator.patch_1".

## Credit

- All SFX from Insurgency: 2014 and Insurgency: Sandstorm by New World Interactive.
- All SFX from Squad by OffWorld Interactive.
- Author of hd2-audio-modder and audio modding guides, RaidingForPants. I would not create
this mod, and figure out some of bugs I encounter when creating this mod without her help.