A combination of Heritage UI, Hitman 2016 Menu and Music Replacement, Legacy Intros, and my own edits, aiming to make Hitman 3's UI and HUD look as close to Hitman 2016 as possible.
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Version 2.4.2
General: Made audio no longer break when the menu music option is turned on (Because of how I did this, the way the menu music fades out is more accurate to H2016, but WOA's planning music that usually plays after you watch a briefing cutscene is replaced with the normal menu music)
General: Added an option to stop the default intro sound from playing over intros added by the mod
General: Changed full JSON files being replaced by the mod to JSON patches
General: Slightly changed wording of some things in the manifest to be more consistent
Version 2.4.1
GOTY theme: Slightly changed the line under the menu tabs to be more accurate to H2016 GOTY
GOTY theme: Recolored Freelancer mission end screen text from white to dark gray
Both themes: Made some minor improvements to button tiles (e.g. Play button)
Both themes: Repositioned, resized the background, and (mostly) removed the drop shadow of subtitles to match H2016
Both themes: Added outlines to the buttons below dialog boxes
General: Added an option to scale and reposition objective icons to actually be how they were in H2016
General: Changed Any Method, Any Weapon, and Any Disguise kill condition thumbnails to the H2016 ones
General: Corrected a few instances of "A Opportunity" to "An Opportunity" in the Opportunities localization option
Version 2.4.0
Both themes: Improved the info popup that appears when you click a target's icon on the map
Both themes: Fixed various things relating to dialog boxes, most notably adding back their closing animation
Both themes: Changed the objective and 47 icons on the map to the ones from H2016
Old 2016 theme: Made the background no longer darken when you go to certain pages (e.g. the challenges page)
Old 2016 theme: Made the inside of menu tabs' icons lighter when selected
Old 2016 theme: Fixed the target icon on the map being red when certain options were selected, as opposed to very light gray
General: Added a Russian translation to the mod, provided to me by Nexus user wuzmart
Version 2.3.5
Both themes: Fixed some instances of the loading indicator not being changed
Both themes: Fixed page switch buttons on the challenges page
Both themes: Added a bar to the bottom of objective tiles with large images, to be consistent with the ones that have small images
Both themes: Changed objective tiles on the loading screen to match the ones in menus
Both themes: Made the destination name on the 2016-style destination tiles get cut off at the proper place when deselected
Old 2016 theme: Made the backgrounds of subcategory tabs fully opaque
Version 2.3.4
Fixed the colors of the text and icons on objective tiles in both themes
Version 2.3.3
Added a Chinese translation to the mod, which was provided to me by Nexus user SunnyPigPig
Version 2.3.2
Added a red stripe to the top of dialog boxes in the old 2016 theme
Made the backgrounds of the Freelancer item info boxes use the same filter as the inventory in the old 2016 theme
Fixed the colors of the contract lookup and missing DLC dialog boxes in both themes
Fixed the localization of the "Difficulty Level" text on the 2016-style destination tiles
Version 2.3.1
Added back the old Heritage UI Red menu theme
Version 2.3.0
Copied the changes made to the GOTY theme in update 2.2 to the old 2016 theme
Improved the difficulty tiles
Changed some icons
Made logo size a separate option from the actual logo options
Added some more localization options
Removed the old Heritage menu theme
Version 2.2.0
Added highlight animations to some things in the GOTY theme
Added barcodes to some menu tiles in the GOTY theme
Added a line at the bottom of menus in the GOTY theme
Improved some other miscellaneous things in the GOTY theme
Updated the map legend and map level selector in both themes
Ported over some Heritage UI updates
Added some localization options other than the HUI ones (thanks to musicalmushr00m for those)
Added 2 new title screen logo options
Version 2.1.3
Added an option to make the destination tiles look like the ones from H2016
Version 2.1.2
Changed the colors of the loading indicator in both UI themes to be more like H2016
Version 2.1.1
Made the inventory background in the GOTY UI theme stay white when used together with menu themes other than the GOTY one
Version 2.1.0
Made various improvements to both themes
Made the mod always load after The Great Big Localisation Revamp
Version 2.0.2
Resized the text and icons of menu tabs to match how they were in H2016
Version 2.0.1
Added 2 options that change the unconscious witness banner's text on the minimap: one that makes it take up 2 lines like in H2016 GOTY, and one that makes it say "Compromised" like in the original H2016.
Version 2.0.0
Completely overhauled both menu and HUD themes, and added another old intro video
Version 1.4.5
Changed some of the config options' images to better depict what they actually change
Version 1.4.4
Made the dialog boxes have white text and dark backgrounds again because the swapped colors didn't work properly in some cases, and added an option to change them back
Version 1.4.3
Added Heritage UI's update drop patch and updated the custom localization
Version 1.4.2
Made some minor updates to the menu themes
Version 1.4.1
Added options to use H2016's thumbnails for Season 1 destinations
Version 1.4.0
Added a red and white menu theme based on pre-GOTY H2016, and vastly improved upon the GOTY theme
Version 1.3.4
Changed the pause menu background to white when using the GOTY color theme
Added back the pause menu/inventory's background blur effect
Version 1.3.3
Moved the illegal action icon to the corner of the interaction circle
Version 1.3.2
Removed the dot reticle shown when you're holding a gun but not aiming it
Version 1.3.1
Fixed the target icons in Sniper Assassin mode
Version 1.3.0
Added an option to use black and white menu colors as opposed to red and black
Version 1.2.0
Added an option to change the detection arrow to white
Version 1.1.0
Added back Heritage UI's red theme
Added an option to use black and white objective icons
Added options to make objective icons and detection arrows colored again.
Removed every Heritage UI customization option that isn't related to H2016.
Added back the pause menu/inventory's background filter.
All objective icons have been rounded.
Selected menu tiles have a white outline around them instead of a bar at the bottom, and the drop shadow has been added back.
Some menu tiles now have barcodes on their right side when selected.
Added a divider line near the bottom of menus.
Added two menu and UI themes: one based on H2016 GOTY, and one based on the original H2016.
The target icon on the HUD, the one on the map, the intel icon, and the escape icon have been replaced with their respective ones from H2016.
Added the dotted square on the minimap for when you're trespassing. (It is a bit translucent, but I don't exactly know how to fix that.)
Trespassing, compromised, and unconscious witness icons are now arrows.
Replaced the menu tile thumbnails for some things (e.g. the career page, the load game button) with the ones from H2016.
Changed the illegal item/action icon to the one from H2016, and repositioned it to the corner of the interaction circle.
Removed the dot reticle shown when you're holding a gun but not aiming it.
Made subtitles have a transparent background by default, and with the transparency it had in H2016. (Because of the way I did this, the in-game subtitle background option does not change the opacity of the background, and setting it to 100% disables the background.)
(Off by default) Changed a bunch of the items' names to be more consistent with each other.
If you see anything in this changelog that you don't like, there's probably an option to change it or turn it off in the SMF mod config page.
Known issues Both themes:
Mission completion tiles in the statistics page do not have transparent backgrounds.
Difficulty tracker on the 2016-style destination tiles doesn't actually work.
Sidebars of large menu tiles do not have text on the side saying which destination the tile takes you to.
Banners that appear on some tiles when locked (e.g. smuggled item locations) should be black.
Some icons have backgrounds when they shouldn't (e.g. the Elusive Target timer, shown in the "Featured tab" images.)
Contract Lookup dialog still doesn't have the closing animation.
As a side effect of lowering the position of subtitles in-game, the subtitles in videos (e.g. mission briefing) are too low.
Subtitles sometimes still have a drop shadow when loading from a save.
GOTY theme:
Button prompts at the bottom of menus still have white text.
Player level badge is still white (but it looks fine because of its shadow.)
VRAM bar in the graphics settings is still white.
Menu background when you unlock a new mastery item needs to be changed to white.
If you notice anything else that looks out of place, feel free to let me know in the replies.
Credits Burn, The Witch, for making Heritage UI, granting me permission to modify it, and indirectly teaching me so much about modding Hitman. You can really learn a lot by reverse-engineering and modifying someone else's mod.
beneddyguitar, for making the Hitman 2016 Menu and Music mod, and PandoraAlisu for making it work with newer versions.
And all the people in Heritage UI's credits. I literally couldn't have done it without you.
Before you ask, I don't have to credit anyone for Legacy Intros, because that mod was also created by me.
More 2016 mods No Bullet Explosions - Removes the explosion effect that Hitman 2 added to all bullet impacts. Immersive Sound - Removes immersion-breaking sound effects of your choosing, and can change UI sounds to the H2016/H2 ones. No Poison Smoke - Removes colored smoke from poisoned food and drinks. Hitman 2016 Movement - Changes 47's animations to ones from H2016. Silent Cameras - Removes noises that security cameras make, and removes the glare effect that happens when a camera comes into view.