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  1. siggymas
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hello does this mod, disable the achievement?
    1. icouldifiwantedto
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      No. Mods on Nexus will not disable achievements. Only "official" mods (installed via the in-game mod system) disable achievements.
    2. siggymas
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      thank you so much for the reply! good to know!
  2. Nix001
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I've played all through Phoenix Rising without any issues at all. Plus i see Kasperbjerby has sent you saved files for Archie Bickle Lost Child
    1. icouldifiwantedto
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Really? I'm sure someone said it causes a problem with Phoenix Rising...
    2. Kasperbjerby
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can confirm Phoenix quest works just fine
    3. icouldifiwantedto
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Okay great, thanks!
    4. Nix001
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      UPDATE: I've just finished Portrait in a pickle and it bugs out as well.. Only one padlock to open and everything seems fine until you get back to Hogsmead. You can't hang the frame.Now i dont know burning him goes though.
    5. icouldifiwantedto
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Okay, thanks for confirming. And thanks for the save file you uploaded!
    6. Kasperbjerby
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Maybe its only the three broomsticks that is broken? Cause i placed him in hog's head and that worked just fine
    7. Nix001
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I did have a few glitches with this quest, nothing major and that may have had a negative outcome for me. So maybe this quest is ok as well
  3. TehMoonMoon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Works great! Thanks for the mod, just pick the few quest relevant locks manually and it works like a charm :)
  4. Kasperbjerby
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will the quest breaking locks get fixed soon?
    1. icouldifiwantedto
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      I could do it very quickly if I had save files from just before those quests. But I don't. So I'll have to play the game until I get to that quest, then create an auto-disable for it. That could take me several hours for each relevant quest, and I don't have that sort of time right now. Alternatively, if users can send me save files from just before those quests I can use those to do it straight away.
    2. Kasperbjerby
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just sent you a pm with a savefile for the lost child quest, dont know what you need so i just zipped the SaveGames folder :) I saved right infront of the lock but that dont work apparently, so you have to walk to it (not far) but there should be no enemies or anything.. Its not only the instant mini game skip that is the problem, but the mod also allows you to unlock the lock before you are supped to (before dialog ends), but even if you wait the instant unlock still don't work, so it has to be disabled for that lock
    3. icouldifiwantedto
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      Perfect, thank you! I'll take a look at that shortly...
  5. Nix001
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I can confirm that the quest Archie Bickle "Lost Child is indeed affected. Lucky i saved just before i entered the room where Archie was. The mod worked fine but the cage stayed closed and I couldn't progress any further
    1. icouldifiwantedto
      • premium
      • 257 kudos
      If you upload that save file to a free file-hosting site like mega.nz and send me a link to that file, I can create an auto-disable for this quest.