I was having crashes to desktop on every single load, whether it was fast travel or entering/exiting a dungeon. Every single log file indicated absolutely nothing other than UE4SS.log always suddenly ending on a normal looking non-error call to this mod. So I finally removed this mod and I haven't crashed since. Quite aggravating that a game can crash and no log file actually threw an error including in Event Viewer.
I'm sorry but I have no idea what I'm doing I downloaded ue4ss and extracted its files in Win64 next to HogwartsLegacy.exe but last part I don't get Extract the zip content at the root game folder "~\Hogwarts"is it the mod that I'm extracting if it is I did it and it's not working this is what i get when game starts
[2024-01-10 22:22:54] Setting up mods... [2024-01-10 22:22:54] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)... [2024-01-10 22:22:54] No mods.txt file found... [2024-01-10 22:22:54] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)... [2024-01-10 22:22:54] Mod 'SlowMoSwitchSpells' has enabled.txt, starting mod. [2024-01-10 22:22:54] Event loop start [2024-01-10 22:22:55] [Lua] Hooked on load / reload succesfully - Slow mo[2024-01-10 22:24:00] [Lua] Hooked on load / reload succesfully - Slow mo
Help! I am having the same loading issue as described below where my hooks are not loading. I know I am Making a basic programming error somewhere I am not too familiar with it. Trying to add your fix but I'm getting the following error:
[18:41:44] Starting mod 'SlowMoSwift' [18:41:44] Starting mod 'SlowMoSwitchSpells' [18:41:44] Error: [Lua::execute_file] luaL_loadfile returned LUA_ERRSYNTAX => ...\Binaries\Win64\Mods\SlowMoSwitchSpells\scripts\main.lua:242: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 231) near <eof> [18:41:44] Event loop start
I am adding:
-- Register Hook to interpret keypresses RegisterHook("/Script/Engine.PlayerController:ClientRestart", function(Context, NewPawn) print("Hooked on load / reload succesfully - Slow mo")
BipedPlayer = Context:get().Pawn
if canTrigger then canTrigger = false ExecuteWithDelay(20000, function() -- add this LoadHooks() end) -- with end end
I'm totally new to ue4ss. Do you have any idea why the hooks are not registered for me? "Hooked on load / reload succesfully - Slow mo" is printed successfully, so "/Script/Engine.PlayerController:ClientRestart" is registered. After that, nothing happens (no prints, no slowmo in combat). I tried setting "canTrigger" to true, to skip "/Script/Phoenix.Loadingcreen" but then the next hooks were not called as well (i added prints, but nothing showed). Any tips?
PS: I also tried the Alohomora mod to see if my setup works at all, but the mod worked fine.
Hmm this is weird indeed, as the hook is waiting for a function to become available and should "print("Hooks for Slow Motion loaded")" when it is done.
If you take canTrigger out of loading, careful as I put it to false once client restart trigger:
if canTrigger then canTrigger = false LoadHooks() end
Maybe try to remove that condition at the bottom, but it risks to hook multiple times.
Hey I seem to have the same kind of problem, Both on this and on the mod with the Clock. Sometimes they work, sometimes they dont do anything. I know after I loaded the save that the time is not printed on screen, they would not work and have to restart. I think that the other mod I have (TempusImperium) is working though. Strange thing. Maybe if I also remove/comment the "canTrigger " would work ?
You can try, but as WinterElfeas said, unfortunately this leads to multiple hooking and inconsistent behavior after a while (e.g. slowmo not stopping when releasing R2) and then crashes eventually.
Since its working for most people, i guess the error (or bug) lies in the overall setup. For reference, i'm using the steam version + reshade on amd gpu.
The new vortex version works perfectly out of the box :)
I used it together with https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/942 Vortex download. Works perfect together. Maybe you could add it as a dependency?
and BipedPlayer.bInCombatMode
Extract the zip content at the root game folder "~\Hogwarts"is it the mod that I'm extracting if it is I did it and it's not working this is what i get when game starts
[2024-01-10 22:22:54] Setting up mods...
[2024-01-10 22:22:54] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)...
[2024-01-10 22:22:54] No mods.txt file found...
[2024-01-10 22:22:54] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)...
[2024-01-10 22:22:54] Mod 'SlowMoSwitchSpells' has enabled.txt, starting mod.
[2024-01-10 22:22:54] Event loop start
[2024-01-10 22:22:55] [Lua] Hooked on load / reload succesfully - Slow mo[2024-01-10 22:24:00] [Lua] Hooked on load / reload succesfully - Slow mo
[18:41:44] Starting mod 'SlowMoSwift'
[18:41:44] Starting mod 'SlowMoSwitchSpells'
[18:41:44] Error: [Lua::execute_file] luaL_loadfile returned LUA_ERRSYNTAX => ...\Binaries\Win64\Mods\SlowMoSwitchSpells\scripts\main.lua:242: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 231) near <eof>
[18:41:44] Event loop start
I am adding:
-- Register Hook to interpret keypresses
RegisterHook("/Script/Engine.PlayerController:ClientRestart", function(Context, NewPawn)
print("Hooked on load / reload succesfully - Slow mo")
BipedPlayer = Context:get().Pawn
if canTrigger then
canTrigger = false
ExecuteWithDelay(20000, function() -- add this
end) -- with end
What am I doing wrong? Please help! :)
Search in the ue4ss-settings file for stuff like Console Enabled and put to zero
I'm totally new to ue4ss. Do you have any idea why the hooks are not registered for me?
"Hooked on load / reload succesfully - Slow mo" is printed successfully, so "/Script/Engine.PlayerController:ClientRestart" is registered. After that, nothing happens (no prints, no slowmo in combat). I tried setting "canTrigger" to true, to skip "/Script/Phoenix.Loadingcreen" but then the next hooks were not called as well (i added prints, but nothing showed). Any tips?
PS: I also tried the Alohomora mod to see if my setup works at all, but the mod worked fine.
If you take canTrigger out of loading, careful as I put it to false once client restart trigger:
if canTrigger then
canTrigger = false
Maybe try to remove that condition at the bottom, but it risks to hook multiple times.
Since its working for most people, i guess the error (or bug) lies in the overall setup. For reference, i'm using the steam version + reshade on amd gpu.
if not, try like that:
if canTrigger then
canTrigger = false
ExecuteWithDelay(20000, function() -- add this
end) -- with end
And change 20000 (20s) to a bit more how long your computer need to load a save / fast travel.
I used it together with https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/942 Vortex download. Works perfect together. Maybe you could add it as a dependency?
Would endorse again if I could :)
any log in the ue4ss.log file when it happens?
anyone with the same bug?